Category Archives: Uncategorized

Drinking Beer in the Name of Science!

Moving onto my second vlog for the MA3 Science Module, I began to explore hidden science in everyday life. I decided to look into the brewing titan that is Brewdog; a Scottish company that has spread all around the world with their vast array of craft beers to satisfy the tastebuds of all beer drinkers. Brewdog was founded by two friends from Aberdeenshire in 2007 with a passion for creating good beer. This video was recorded at the Brewdog bar in Dundee and aims to explore the brewing process and the science behind how Brewdog create their amazing beers.

With this video I decided to try a different recording approach and filmed it as a ‘talking head’ video diary. I felt that this style of video would continue to challenge me in speaking when being filmed. Although there are a couple of hiccups and stutters, I feel that this is an improvement when compared to my first vlog. I also chose the ‘talking head’ style as I feel that it is more engaging for viewers…it was also an excuse to go for a pint! The production has also improved as I have gotten to grips with video editing and used a variety of multimedia within this video.

Please find the video below from my YouTube channel. Enjoy!


The Enquiring Practitioner

In order to understand what it means to be an Enquiring Practitioner, it is important to be aware of what the term actually means. From reading the “Practitioner Enquiry” section on the GTC Scotland website, I understand Practitioner Enquiry to be an investigation carried out by a professional in their own field in order to expand their knowledge in this area. This investigation is hugely effective as it allows us, as teachers, to reach our highest standard and provide the best experience for our pupils. This can be done both in groups and individually, each coming with potential benefits and difficulties.


Practitioner Enquiry has many benefits for teachers who are trying to develop their own knowledge of their practice. These include:

  • Empowering teachers and encouraging them to challenge the current status quo of education. Through this, they can transform the way that education works.
  • Providing a method for teachers to monitor their own practice. By monitoring this they are able to critically analyse their teaching methods and develop them, ultimately bettering their performance as a teacher which impacts the learning experience for pupils.
  • Developing their knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning. This new knowledge helps teachers make more professional judgements as well as enhancing their own self-esteem and professional identity. This, in turn, can have a direct impact on the way that teachers deliver their lessons to the class.
  • When working collaboratively with fellow professional, people are able to learn from one another and essentially broaden their horizons of thinking regarding teaching education. Through this, barriers are broken and teaching can become more of a team effort which can better the learning experiences for pupils.
  • Collegiate working with fellow teachers can help develop ideas and strategies until they come up with the best solution. This can then be carried into lessons to provide the best learning experience possible.


Below is an image taken from the GTC’s website which highlights the key elements of Practitioner Enquiry:



Overall, Practitioner Enquiry is hugely beneficial to teachers as it can help to broaden their knowledge and understanding of their own field through being critical and analytical. This new knowledge can then be passed on to pupils and/or colleagues to improve their learning experience within the classroom, or in the case of colleagues, improve their own practice within the classroom. Practitioner Enquiry is also beneficial in helping teachers to develop new teaching strategies through being critical of their own practice and picking out the strengths and weaknesses of past teaching experiences. As a student teacher, I believe that Practitioner Enquiry will play an important part in my development as it is important that I constantly reflect on my own practice to ensure that I am able to provide the best learning experience possible and obtain a wide knowledge of the teaching profession.

Welcome to your WordPress eportfolio

Welcome to your eportfolio. This is where you will document and share your professional thoughts and experiences over the course of your study at the University of Dundee and beyond that when you begin teaching. You have the control over what you want to make public and what you would rather keep on a password protected page.

The eportfolio in the form of this WordPress blog allows you to pull in material from other digital sources:

You can pull in a YouTube video:

You can pull in a Soundcloud audio track:

You can pull in a Flickr page

Teacher, Lorraine Lapthorne conducts her class in the Grade Two room at the Drouin State School, Drouin, Victoria

You can just about pull in anything that you think will add substance and depth to your writing.