What do these terms mean for a teacher?

Patience – Patience is extremely important as a teacher. They must have the ability to be patient when children may not grasp a concept as quickly as others. They need to understand that all children learn at different paces and that some children may become frustrated if they don’t understand. Being patient is key as the teacher may need to explain something in a slightly different way in order for a child to understand what they mean.

Kindness – A teacher needs to be kind towards all the pupils in the school, even the ones that may not be in their class. This makes a teacher more approachable and respected. It is important that they are kind as there may be children who are having a difficult time inside/outside of school and if a teacher is kind towards them the children are more likely to be able to speak to them about issues that they are having. Similar to being patient, a teacher has to be kind as some children may not grasp things as quickly as others and being kind about that and helping those in a kind way may boost a child’s confidence.

Fairness – Being fair as a teacher is huge. You need to be able to speak to all children in the same manner and not favourite children as this may result in some children feeling excluded. This could also result in the children not performing to their best abilities as they do not feel as if they will get the same response from the teacher as others do.

Empathy – This is highly important to in being a teacher as different children may be going through difficult situations outside of school and they must make sure that they are understanding towards this.

Self-control – Self-control may be a hard thing for a teacher as they may be going through difficult personal situations but need to keep that to themselves and not take out any emotions that they are feeling on their pupils. Also when it comes to parents’ nights the teacher must have self-control in order to speak calmly to parents who may become agitated and angry towards them as they may be unhappy with something. Keeping your personal life and work life separate is extremely important.

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