All throughout my primary school years, I was influenced by many inspiring teachers. They encouraged me to enjoy learning and to be enthusiastic about it. My primary 4 and 5 teacher was especially inspiring as she encouraged me to want to learn and enjoy coming to school as she made lessons interesting and enjoyable and focused a lot on the expressive subjects as well as on maths, science and English. I became interested in music, art and languages because my teacher was so knowledgeable and enthusiastic in these areas, which again encouraged me to want to explore these areas further and learn more about them. Looking back on my teachers from primary school has encouraged me to want to become an influential and motivational teacher who has knowledge in all subject areas.
In primary 7, we used to go into classes of lower years and nurseries to help out during our break and lunch times. I realized that I really enjoyed working with young children and from observing how teachers taught and behaved inspired me to do something like that as well.
Later when I started secondary school I got involved in activities and modules with helping younger pupils. One module I joined was the working in the community module where I took part in planning and organising activities such as an Easter egg hunt for the local playgroup and again, having had more experience with younger children and helping out in the community inspired me to go into the teaching profession.
I also want to teach in the primary school rather than the secondary school because it would be very rewarding to teach and nurture a child throughout their younger years and to prepare them for the step up to secondary school.