Reflecting on ePortfolios

After reading some examples of other ePortfolios, I have been encouraged to expand and improve on my own. From reading these posts, I particularly like the fact that they are written about topics they enjoy or based on subjects they have seen or read in other resources. For example Lauren Duncan’s post “567…DANCE!” was written on a subject that she is extremely passionate about but she could then link a lesson plan to the SPR requirements.

Another example is Layla Dawson’s post on Fear of Feedback and she talks about a topic that most of us are afraid of but don’t always talk about. I completely agree with her and understand her opinions on giving feedback and she managed to link this into teaching by talking about how we, as teachers, need to give children constructive feedback and also encourage them to overcome the fear they may have and help them give positive and constructive feedback to their peers.

So overall, all the example posts that I have read clearly show the student sharing their professional thoughts and I feel that others will benefit form reading their work as it may give them ideas of what maybe to write on their own blogs but also I feel that reading these blogs has helped me realise that many people have the same opinions and worries as me about certain aspects of the teaching profession, for example maths and giving feedback. And reading them has encouraged me to write and post more than I do on my ePortfolio and share my thoughts with rest of the course.



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