This is Digital learning and teaching CLPL course

This is Digital: ELC

About this programme

This course consists of four webinars, each examining a theme of planning, teaching, learning and assessment. Attendees are required to participate in discussions, share examples of practice and will receive a certificate of completion from Education Scotland for completing this.

Participants are required to be digitally literate and confident in applying digital technology in their class. Ideally, but not essentially, having achieved Microsoft Expert, Google Educator level 2 or complete Apple Portfolio.

Sign up for next term’s programme with this link – go to EventBrite page

DigiLearnScot ELC home

Programme rationale

This programme focuses on what is ‘effective use of digital technology’ and how this can enhance learnign and teaching, instead of focusing on the wide range of novel digital technologies available to teachers.

This is because teachers in Scotland are required to have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of digital technologies to support learning and the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy and know how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning; as well as being able to consistently demonstrate the enhanced skills and abilities working both individually and collaboratively to ensure that every learner has access to and are enabled to select from well-chosen/designed resources including digital technologies. – GTCS (2021)


What can I expect?

This programme has been designed using Rosenshine’s principles of instructional design: smaller steps, revisiting prior learning, models of success and questions to check understanding.

Each webinar is underpinned by research and focused on one of the four themes of planning, teaching, learnign and assessment. Participants will be asked to share their thoughts on the theme and then the presenters will offer ideas and a model to scaffold participants’ understanding. The webinar will finish with a ‘call to action’ for participants to identify an idea form the webinar that they will test in their practice.

Planning and resourcing
Assessment & feed-forward

preparing for learning clpl - Back to This is Digital page Reading and watching This episode of CLPL focuses on the rationale for using, or not using, digital technology in learning. An Education Endowment Foundation…
planning and resourcing learning clpl - Back to This is Digital page Reading and watching This episode of CLPL focuses on the elements to consider when planning and resourcing lessons with digital.  How does digital make…
delivering learning clpl - Back to This is Digital page Reading and watching This episode of CLPL focuses on the elements to consider when designing and delivering lessons with digital.  Creativity in the classroom…
assessing and feeding forward clpl - Back to This is Digital page Reading and watching This episode of CLPL focuses on the elements to consider when assessing learning and providing 'feed forward'.  Using digital technology to…

What do I need to do or know?

Participants are required to take an active role in sharing their current practice, as well as their own personal successes and failures. The aim being that we build a community of support and guidance, helping everyone involved reflect upon where they are now, where they need to be, and how they will get there. It would be expected that some practitioner enquiry take place as evidence of the professional development you have undertaken with us.

The programme meets the GTCS Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning 2.1.1, 2.1.3 and 3.2.1.

Participants should ensure they have an understanding of these documents before attending, as they will be referenced throughout.

GTCS Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning

Technologies: Experiences and Outcomes

European framework for the digital competence of educators

Evolving Digital Thinking for Senior Leaders

Evolving Digital Thinking for Senior Leaders

This session has been designed to support senior leaders to reflect on current and emerging digital practice, to lead and drive forward digital excellence across the  culture and curriculum of the setting,  and to stimulate reflection on professional practice.  During the workshops senior leaders will analyse and critically review the themes of the Digital Schools Award for Scotland or Features of highly effective digital learning, teaching and assessment in schools, focussing on: 

  • leadership and vision   
  • use of digital technologies to deliver the curriculum
  • digital culture of the school/setting


This is digital leaders CLPL

This is… Digital Leaders: skills to help you lead change in your school

This programme aims to support teachers develop their leadership, improvement and coaching skills in the context of digital skills. It will provide the skills and knowledge to develop a strategic plan based on the needs of your colleagues, learners and wider school community; develop your understanding of improvement methodology and support you undertake an enquiry-based approach to developing professional learning for teacher digital skills and the digital literacy curriculum planning for learners.

This CLPL will run throughout the academic year 2023/2024.

Register your interest: coming soon.


Entry requirements

Teachers need to be digitally confident:

  • professional certifications, such as Apple Teacher, Google Educator Level 2 or Microsoft Expert are required to demonstrate this

Applicants will need time to be able to deliver training, develop curriculum planning and implement school improvement planning:

  • approval from their headteacher to join the programme

The programme requires an enquiry-based approach to learning:

  • applicants must take the time to read the literature, test change in their practice and reflect on their learning to complete a portfolio of learning

Programme content

Applicants will be provided with a list of recommended literature to ensure they have a deep and informed knowledge of digital skills and learning and teaching. This will underpin their development work in school.

There will be inputs from across Education Scotland to support the applicants’ development of skills and knowledge in:

  • leadership
  • improvement methodology
  • curriculum development
  • effective pedagogy


These sessions will provide the practitioner with the knowledge to evaluate their schools’ needs for:

  • teacher digital skills
  • the use of digital to enhance learning, teaching and assessment
  • learner digital literacy curriculum planning
  • engaging families in digital learning


This evaluation will be used to identify an area of inquiry to develop their thinking and practice over the course of the learning programme. This will be shared as a final summative assessment to pass the course while informing the Scottish education system of effective digital leadership and practice.

The applicant will need to be able to demonstrate how they took evaluated school needs, developed and delivered professional learning to colleagues, and developed the digital literacy curriculum for learners and engaged families with this. The particular aspects that the applicant identifies and develops will form the basis of their professional enquiry.

Programme calendar


27 March 16:00 – 15:00, This Is Data Session 3

This Is Data

You may have seen spreadsheet dashboards that react to use interactions, automatically filtering and updating charts and tables. Ever wondered how to do it? This short course will support you to develop you skills to store and process data using tools you already use.

These sessions will show you how to use tables, slicers, pivot tables and charts to bring your data to life. You will be able to use these skills to look at your own data and / or share these skills with pupils as part of their learning.

  • Sample data files will be provided.
  • Basic knowledge of excel will be useful.
  • This set of sessions will make use of Microsoft Excel.

Sign up here for some or all of the sessions below

Session 1 – Monday 13th March 4pm

Preparing data for analysis  – the importance of structuring data in tables, using slicers to filter data, conditional formatting, data validation, custom views and useful formulae

Session 2 – Monday 20th March 4pm

Creating Visual Interactive Dashboards – using your data to create pivot tables and visualisations then bring them together into a single user dashboard

Session 3 – Monday 27th March 4pm

Linking Data – how to link tables and visualise results that draw from more than one data source.

20 March 16:00 – 17:00, This Is Data Session 2

This Is Data

You may have seen spreadsheet dashboards that react to use interactions, automatically filtering and updating charts and tables. Ever wondered how to do it? This short course will support you to develop you skills to store and process data using tools you already use.

These sessions will show you how to use tables, slicers, pivot tables and charts to bring your data to life. You will be able to use these skills to look at your own data and / or share these skills with pupils as part of their learning.

  • Sample data files will be provided.
  • Basic knowledge of excel will be useful.
  • This set of sessions will make use of Microsoft Excel.

Sign up here for some or all of the sessions below

Session 1 – Monday 13th March 4pm

Preparing data for analysis  – the importance of structuring data in tables, using slicers to filter data, conditional formatting, data validation, custom views and useful formulae

Session 2 – Monday 20th March 4pm

Creating Visual Interactive Dashboards – using your data to create pivot tables and visualisations then bring them together into a single user dashboard

Session 3 – Monday 27th March 4pm

Linking Data – how to link tables and visualise results that draw from more than one data source.

21 March 4pm, An Introduction to Digital Citizenship with Common Sense Education webinar

An introduction to Digital Citizenship for Early Learning and Childcare and Primary Practitioners with Common Sense Education.

Prepare your learners for success as digital learners, leaders and citizens. In this 30 minute webinar, you’ll learn the six core concepts on digital citizenship and how you can integrate common sense’s progressive scheme of work into your classroom/playroom.

This webinar is suitable for Teachers, ELC Practitioners including Childminders and Caregivers for early to second level learners.

All resources shared are available for free from

Sign up for the webinar using this eventbrite link – Sign up now!