New for 23/24, this page is all about you, the ELC Community!

This page is for you to share snippets from your practice and together we will build a supportive community from all over Scotland across the ELC sector.

go to digilearn ELC home

Share your story!

Please tell us about the knowledge and skills you and the children in your setting have developed after engaging with us through CLPL at DigiLearnScot. Or through your own explorations in:

Learning with and Through Technology

Improving my own Digital Literacy Skills

Computing Science

Cyber Resilience Internet Safety

Please submit your example via this Form (no Glow log in required)

If you are new to DigiLearn.Scot and CLPL support from the Digital Team, you can find all relevant ELC/early level practitioner YELLOW events on our CLPL calendar on the Webinars page.

Blog post gallery – coming soon.