This section aims to support ELC practitioners, working across a variety of settings, to provide children with opportunities to learn with and through technology across all areas of the curriculum, indoor and outdoors.

The This is earl level Digital webinars and Spotlight sessions are the associated CLPL. 

You can also look for all the relevant ELC/early level practitioner YELLOW events on our CLPL calendar on the Webinars page.

DigiLearnScot ELC home

Learning with, and through, technology in ELC

What does learning with, and through, technology in ELC look like? 

two pre school children learning together using a mobile device. - Digital technologies provide opportunities for us to design unique learning spaces for the children. Bringing resources and experiences virtually into the setting can lead learning well-beyond what was originally planned. For example, in response to a…

CLPL information and signup

DSAS ELC 2024 logo Introducing The Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC – CLPL Sessions - Accompanying CLPL supporting the new Digital Learning Through Play Award in ELC. Join us in a 30-minute information giving session, introducing the brand new Digital…
outdoor play header Spotlight on early level Digital: Outdoor Play - Join us with Mairi Ferris from Thrive Outdoors - Inspiring Scotland in this 60-minute online session, to explore how digital technology can be used effectively…
transition header Spotlight on early level Digital: Transition - Join us in this 60-minute online session to explore how digital technology can be used effectively at early level to support horizontal and vertical transitions…
Supporting Cyber Resilience & Internet Safety Learning at early level. -   Effective use of digital technologies offers an engaging experience for babies and young children. It can address barriers to learning and improve access for…
learning with and through programme This is Early Level Digital programme webinars - This four part programme is currently delivered as a RIC offer. Please note your interest to your local authority digital lead. This CLPL programme is…
Unplugged Computing Science Live Lesson with Barefoot - EARLY AND FIRST LEVEL LEARNERS LIVE LESSON. Join Isabella Lieghio (Barefoot Volunteer and Education Consultant at in this interactive live lesson for early and…

Additional CLPL information

This programme of CLPL aims to go beyond digital literacy skills and explore how effective use of digital can enhance pedagogical approaches in your ELC setting. The webinars will support you to develop the skills, knowledge, and application of these, and contributes towards your SSSC Continuous professional learning requirements.