Digital technology and computers are all around us, embedded in the devices we use everyday, from smart speakers to TVs, to cars and buildings. We use computational thinking strategies every day when problem solving – can you recognise where?


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This page will help to practitioners to recognise the concepts, approaches and transferable language of early level Computing Science, where it can be found across other areas of the curriculum, what this might look like in your setting and what it can look like with absolutely no programmable toys or computing resources! 

You may find it helpful to browse the digital literacy and computing science common words glossary. 


Upcoming CLPL:

Date:  – 

People Who Help Us with Barefoot Computing – An unplugged Live Lesson.


Catch up on Computing Science Scotland Week – Create along specials webinar recordings from Nov 2023:

  • Educator information webinar – Exploring early level Computing Science.  In this information session, practitioners will learn about computational thinking and how our youngest of learners can explore computing science concepts and approaches – with absolutely no devices or programmable toys.
  • Children’s Create Along – Amazing Animations: Introducing early level block based coding with Scratch Jnr . Joined by Francisca Carocca & Jessica Blake-West from the DevTech Research Group, directed by Dr. Marina Bers in Boston College, USA to explore Scratch Jr and discover how it can enable us to create/code simple animations, as a fun and creative way to communicate, capture and share thoughts, ideas and feelings.
  • Children’s Create Along – Unplugged Explorations: Introducing early level computational thinking with Barefoot Computing.  Joined by Isabella Lieghio as she introduces us to the wonderful FREE Computing Science learning materials from Barefoot Computing and takes us through one of the early years activities, step by step.

The ELC Computing Science Learning Pathway page, is the associated pre recorded CLPL.

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We would love to find out what early level Computing Science looks/sounds/feels like in your setting! If you would like to share a little snippet of your practice, please submit a blog post Form over on the ELC Community Learning Together page.

Find out more about computing in ELC