Category Archives: Contemporary issues

Steve Strand – link between socio-economic factors and the achievement gap

Strand (2012) The White British-black Caribbean Achievement Gap

With a research interest circulating around the idea of equity gaps, particularly in relation to social class, ethnicity and gender; Steve Strand (Professor of education at Oxford) wrote about the attainment gap concerning British-Black people. Within his research Strand states that the primary reason for the achievement gap is the substantial difference in socio-economic status between white and black learners. He supported this using the labour force survey of 2004/05 that stated only 20% of white households live in poverty compared to; 25% of Indian Households, 30% of Black-Caribbean households, 45% of Black-African households, 55% of Pakistani households, and a shocking 65% of Bangladeshi households. Supporting his facts with multiple school surveys including one on school meal entitlement, strand perceived a direct link between socio-economic disadvantage and a child’s development. For example through limited material resources, higher risk of ranged and developmental issues and an indirect influence of parental education and aspiration.