I will update the tables below as I continue to learn what helps my learning.
Recognition/ Reflection | Action |
What helps my learning? | How can I utilise this? |
Discussing the topic with peers | Set up a study group or group chat of peers
Organisation | Use to do lists in order to manage my time effectively |
Reading | Setting out time to do the readings |
Removing distractions | Turn off my phone and place it in another room whilst I do my room |
Self-confidence | By not being afraid to ask questions if I don’t understand topic |
Recognition/Reflection | Action | |
What hinders my learning? | How can I address this factor? | |
Easily distracted | By taking away the distractions such as my phone | |
Not preparing for lectures | Look over the slides before the lectures | |
Not doing the readings on time | Do the readings before the lectures | |