Reflecting on the Discovering Mathematics Module

Throughout this module we have been looking topics and how mathematics is used in each of them. We have looked at topics from medicine to art and more mathematical based topics such as time and probability. In the lectures we have been looking at the origins of the topics, how maths is used in them and activities that help us to see the how maths influences the topic. In my blog posts I have been looking at some of the topics in greater detail focusing on how a basic knowledge of mathematical concepts is fundamental to understanding these topics and how they can be applied to our own lives.

Liping Ma talks about how the key elements of [inter]connectness, multiple perspectives, basic principles and longitudinal concepts are essential for a good maths teacher. Ma also talks about how teachers need to teach their pupils these key elements for them too to have a sound knowledge of mathematical concepts and be able to apply them to their own lives.

As a future teacher I think it is important that I teach my pupils about how Liping Ma’s key elements will help them with their maths skills and how they can apply mathematics to different elements of their lives. It is important for pupils to understand how the basic mathematical skills of number, measurement, arithmetic, position and quantity etc. influence all the other maths they will learn as they make their way up the school. It is also important for pupils to know how mathematics influences lots of other topics in school such as art and science and can also be applied to their lives outside school such as in sport.

Through this module I have learnt how important it is to fully understand the basic mathematical principles in order to continue further with harder mathematical concepts. It has also opened my eyes to how much mathematics influences other aspects of our lives in ways I had never thought off such as puzzles and games. The module has affected my teaching practice as I now understand just how important it is for pupils to understand the fundamental principles of mathematics in order to fully understand maths.

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