Growth mindset is pedagogical approach that can be used to help build resilience.
Resilience (responding positively to set backs) is the personal quality that is crucial to success in school and life[1]. It is affected by the climate the teacher creates in supporting pupils after they make an error or mistake[2].
It is argued that resilience and grit are essential to high achievement in school and are more important to achievement than intelligence and ability[3]. Classroom contexts which seek to scaffold challenging tasks by making them easier to achieve can increase the likelihood of the pupil persisting with the task.[4]
[1] Yeager, D. S., & Dweck, C. S. (2012). Mindsets that promote resilience: When students believe that personal characteristics can be developed. Educational Psychologist, 47(4), 302-314.
[2] Steuer & Dresel, (2015). A constructive error climate as an element of effective learning environments. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, Volume 57, 2015 (2), 262-275.
[3] Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087.
[4] Farrington, C.A., Roderick, M., Allensworth, E., Nagaoka, J., Keyes, T.S., Johnson, D.W., & Beechum, N.O. (2012). Teaching adolescents to become learners. The role of noncognitive factors in shaping school performance: A critical literature review. Chicago: University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research.