At Risk Behaviour’s In Society 13/02/2017


Reflecting back on this weeks input in society and lifestyle, I learnt a lot about the behaviours and actions people take that can put themselves or others at risk.

I was astonished to find out that men and women on average live until 77.1 and 81.1 years, retrospectively in Scotland and this may be down to the country having one of the poorest health rate across the UK and Europe.

The most interesting part of the seminar for myself was when we were put into small groups to investigate in detail one of the 6 categories of ‘at risk behaviour’, which are one of the main causes of death by emergency hospital admissions. We focused on ‘Behaviours contributing to unintentional/intentional injuries’. Some of the causes that can result in this behaviour are peer pressure, gang culture, self-defense, bullying, motor vehicle crashes, domestic abuse and an unhealthy lifestyle. I learnt that these injuries can not only affect the person themselves but also those around them and their families as it can have a long term, damaging effect.

As a perspective educator I see it as my job to teach children from a young age about the categories of risky behaviours, in order to prevent them from going down this road in future.


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