Inclusion and Equality – 30/1/2017


During this input we looked in detail about the importance of inclusion and equality in todays society, with relation to the Equality Act of 2010. I found the input thoroughly interesting as someone who has always felt included and equal to my peers.

As a perspective  teacher I now understand that for a child to feel included in their learning environment and to feel comfortable and at ease around their peers when expressing thoughts and opinions, is crucial in order for them to grow and learn with an open mind. Whilst being able to judge  situations based on their own assumptions, instead of opinions being composed of stigmas and thoughts the media and others drum into our heads from a young, influential age.

Another important lesson I took for the seminar this week was that although equality is highly important and as a teacher I will need to be clued up on the Equality Act of 2010 in order to give every child a fair chance in every opportunity. I feel equity is an even more beneficial practice for me to go by as an eventual teacher. This is where every child will get the same experiences and opportunities despite their race, religion, ability etc. Therefore, this should lead to a fair classroom environment where every single child feels equal and that no one is more privileged than others.

In conclusion, I have taken a lot from this weeks teachings. I now understand how significant the awareness of inclusion and equality is in everyday life. Especially being able to link this to practices in the classroom.

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