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Tiled Gallery Block

The Titled Gallery is provided by Jetpack Blocks. You need to use the Block Editor.

The above gallery has the settings 3 columns, rounded corners = 10 & the images link to the media files. Because we have activated the Carousel clicking on the images will open them in a carousel.

We have chosen the Tiled Columns Style.

Extra Sidebar Widgets – Milestone

This widget allows you to easily add a countdown to your sidebar. You can see one on the sidebar of this post.

On this post we use the Widget Visibility jetpack feature only to show this on posts categorised ‘image’. You will only see it on this post in single post view.

Here is a screenshot of the widget editor.



Sitemaps are files that list each post and page that should be indexed by search engines like Google or Bing. Jetpack allows you to generate such files thanks to the Sitemaps feature.


To add a sitemap to your glow blog you just need to Activate Jetpack and then the Sitemaps module in the Jetpack section of your blog.

After that you can see your sitemap at: yourblogurl/sitemap.xml

for example this blogs is at

These pages are for search engine, not human beings but you can embed a sitemap using the [sitemap] short code:

shortcode will display a list of all your site’s pages in a hierarchical bulleted list, following any parent/child relationships set in Page Attributes.

As this blog is mostly posts it does not have a very interesting sitemap.

Shortcode – Slideshare

I used the embed code copied from slideshare:

[slideshare id=10543066&doc=31interestingwaystouseaudioinyourclass-111210091035-phpapp01]


This is a quick example of how to use the slideshare embed code. You can upload PowerPoints and other presentations to to share. These can then be embedded.

As always if you have not done so:

  1. Activate The Jetpack plugin
  2. Turn on the shortcode module.

To find the code to embed a slideshare slideshow:

  1. Visit the page on slideshare.
  2. Click the Share button
  3. Copy the WordPress shortcode
  4. In the post or page editor of your blog paste in the code. When the post or post is published and viewed the slideshow will be embedded like the one above.


Continue reading Shortcode – Slideshare

Shortcode Presentation

This slideshow could not be started. Try refreshing the page or viewing it in another browser.

I an not sure how often this would be useful in practise. You need to be happy writing square brackets and slashed around your text, but it produced a reasonable presentation.

You can move through the slides with arrow keys, or hover over from buttons and a button to ‘full-screen’ the slideshow.

Here is a screenshot of the editor for this post:

Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 14.15.42

Widget Visibility

Control which pages your widgets appear on with Widget Visibility.

To control visibility, expand the widget and click the Visibility button next to the Save button, and then, choose a set of visibility options.

For example, if you wanted the Archives widget to only appear on category archives and error pages, choose “Show” from the first dropdown and then add two rules: “Page is 404 Error Page” and “Category is All Category Pages.”

You can also hide widgets based on the current page. For example, if you don’t want the Archives widget to appear on search results pages, choose “Hide” and “Page is Search results.”

On this site we have used this to show different widgets on particular categories.

The Settings are added to the widgets settings:

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You can add more blogs to show on more than one category or page, or indeed, hide on a category or page.

Activate Jetpack plugin, if not already activated Dashboard->Plugins

Activate the ‘Mobile Theme’ Module- Dashboard->Jetpack-> Settings

Adjust the setting of widgets as wanted.

Custom Content Types

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This module will let you add two different types of content, portfolio projects and testimonials. These are a bit like pages as they stand outside the chronological flow of post. But they can also be organised with Types and tags. Finally they can be displayed on a page via a shortcode.

Activate Jetpack plugin, if not already activated Dashboard->Plugins

Activate the ‘Custom Content Types’ Module- Dashboard->Jetpack-> Settings

Enable Portfolio Projects and/or Testimonials in Dashboard-> Settings -Writing.

Set up a page to display the projects.

You add a project in the same way as a post or a page. Featured Images are important if you are going to display al grid of your projects using the shortcode.

Here is a an example of using the shortcode.

Site Icon

Site Icon lets you create an icon for your site. This icon will be used as favicon, mobile icon, and Tile on Windows 8 computers.

Site Icons are now added to Glow Blogs through the Customiser in the Site Identity section.

Activate Jetpack plugin, if not already activated Dashboard->Plugins

Activate the Sharing Module- Dashboard->Jetpack-> Sharing

To add a new icon to your site, SettingsGeneral → Site Icon, and upload an icon.

On this blog we are using this image:


Which gives us this in  the browser:

Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 11.39.11

Different browser show them in slightly different way.Screen Shot 2015-07-29 at 11.38.42



This feature allows you to add sharing buttons to a post or a page. You can configure which services you want to appear to share to.

Activate Jetpack plugin, if not already activated Dashboard->Plugins

Activate the Sharing Module- Dashboard->Jetpack-> Sharing

Set the default settings either from the Configure  link in the Jetpack settings or Dashboard -> Settings -> Sharing.


You can hide or show the buttons on an individual page or post via a checkbox at the foot of the page.

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Shortcode – scribd

You need a free scribd account. You do not need to pay for the book access.

Activate The Jetpack plugin
Turn on the shortcode module.

Upload your document to scribed, and get the mebed code:

The details of how to embed.


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