
theme iconThemes affect the appearance of the content on your blog. Although appearance is important, the first bite is with the eye, content is what visitors come to a site for. It is a good idea to consider the content and how it will be arranged before designing on appearance.

Themes set the basic appearance of your site, many can be customised. Options can be accessed via the customiser menu. This can be further altered using custom CSS. With More recent themes, Twenty Twenty-two & Twenty Twenty-three the site edited with the Site Editor. This gives much more flexibility than standard themes.

There are instructions for switching themes on the Glow Help Blog. We also have some tips on Testing and Changing Themes.


Here are some simple examples sites with the same content using different themes. Each had many pages of information. They also have posts from their classes accessed from subitems in the classes menu. They all could be enhanced in many ways. It is simple to switch themes on a blog. It is probably more important to get the purpose and structure worked out first.

External Examples

Here are some interesting sites using different themes. Note these are sites created by Glow users, they might change or change theme over time. It is simple to switch themes on a blog. It is probably more important to get the purpose and structure worked out first.