Class Blog

Lots of classes use Glow Blogs to share their news and learning. Typically this will be frequently updated and the main content of the site will be a series of posts.


Class sites tend to be more traditional blogs in style. Regularly updated with the latest class news for parents and other visitors. Pupils may be involved in posting to their class blog.

Class blogs typically consist mostly of posts, and have a simple layout. Twenty Sixteen is a good theme for this.

Class blogs often include images, galleries and videos of pupils work.

Some schools provide the same information on their school site and organise their class posts by category.


Class blogs often contain images and galleries. It is worth learning more about how to use these effectively.

There is basic help on Adding an Image and Galleries on the Help Blog and some Gallery examples too.

There is a large range of media that you can embed in posts, some by uploading to the site and some by embedding content from other sites. There is more information on the Embeds example blog.


The best way to get an idea of the variety of ways classes are using Glow Blogs is to go to your Local Authority Glow Blogs home page and click on some links. The home page shows recently created posts from public blogs across the LA.

We have a tutorial on creating and using a class blogs with the Twenty Sixteen theme and the Block Editor: Twenty Sixteen Class Site – An Example Glow blog and Tutorial. Demo Content Generated by AI.