GBL (Mario Kart) 6/3/18

BLOG 9- Game Based Learning (Nintendo Wii)       06/03/18


This week’s lesson was about Game Based Learning (GBL) regarding the Nintendo Wii and in particular, Mario Kart. We focused on how to use the Nintendo-Wii as a stimulus for learning. Unfortunately, we were not able to access the actual Wii game of Mario Kart due to unforeseen circumstances but for that reason exactly I think today’s workshop was especially important and inspiring. It showed me that GBL can help so much with teaching and learning even without having the technology present at all times. This is because despite not having the Wii itself, we were still able to widen our understanding and explore its wide range benefits. The Higher Education Academy website supports this where it states, “Digital Games-based Learning is the integration of gaming into learning experiences to increase engagement and motivation.” (Higher Education Academy website)


Firstly, we were asked to consider the question ‘why use GBL?’


There are three characteristics of Game Based Learning (the complex environment):

  1. Experimentation and Risk taking
  2. Narrative and Thematic threads
  3. Social Interaction


After this we were shown all the characters and each race car in the Mario Kart game. Following that we were instructed to create our very own character, kart and names. This is where I felt that GBL could help in schools such as in Art, Literacy and ICT.


On completing that we were put into groups and advised to discuss and map out an Interdisciplinary learning plan around Mario kart. Our discussion was then written out and displayed in this way:

The Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes we linked to this lesson plan across the curriculum (Expressive arts, Technology, Numeracy, Drama and Literacy) were:

  • EXA 2-02a – I have the opportunity to choose and explore an extended range of media and technologies to create images and objects, comparing and combining them for specific tasks.


  • TCH 1-01a – I can explore and experiment with digital technologies and can use what I learn to support and enhance learning in different contexts.


  • EXA 1-12a – I enjoy creating, choosing and accepting roles, using movements, expression and voice.


  • EXA 0-13a, EXA1-13a, EXA 2-13a – Inspired by a range of stimulae, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through drama.


  • LIT 1-26a – By considering the type of text I am creating I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in a logical sequence and use words which will be interesting and/or useful to others.


  • MNU 1-09a – I can use money to pay for items and can work out how much change I should receive.


  • MNU 2-09a – I can manage money and compare costs from different retailers, and determine what I can afford to buy


  • MNU 2-16a – Having explored a range of 3D objects and 2D shapes I can use mathematical language to describe their properties and through investigation can discuss where and why particular shapes are used in the environment.




Higher Education Academy website [Online] Available at:  [Accessed: 6th March 2018]


Scottish Executive (2004) Curriculum for Excellence. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive


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