What has happened and what are your next steps?

My question, “what strategies can inclusion practitioners use to support the development of positive reading attitudes in children attending an inclusion base?” hasn’t been fully answered yet. I think I could probably do more digging, more reading around this question as well as possibly looking further afield at both mainstream settings and also inclusion bases/learning centres across Scotland. I have learned that my colleagues apply a range of strategies to promote reading attitudes and some themes have emerged through the process of interviewing my colleagues.

I have been surprised that there were so many similarities across staff at the two inclusion bases which I focused on and that so many colleagues were willing to give up their time in order to be interviewed. I definitely went into this inquiry expecting my colleagues to have the view that younger children have more positive reading attitudes but that hasn’t been the case. I think there has been an impact upon both inclusion bases, with the development of designated reading areas in both and also with staff really examining what they do and what could be developed further. I don’t feel the wider school community has been impacted yet as inclusion base is kept very separate at the moment due to Covid-19 restrictions. I’m currently working on developing the reading area within my base and have recently expanded our reading selection, particularly to cater for younger readers. My next steps are to look into obtaining a wider selection of books including material aimed at struggling readers who are upper primary, as ensuring material is age appropriate was a real concern of several colleagues.

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