Update 1 – January

Within professional dialogue/ staff meetings it has become apparent within my setting, practitioners have very different attitudes towards reading in school. Currently there are no opportunities for all the children to read together as a class i.e. a class novel or ERIC time and there are rarely opportunities for children to read together as a reading group due to variety of levels and children from different schools being on different reading schemes, etc. My thinking was towards developing some kind of intervention or developing my reading area/base library. However my base is currently closed and it looks doubtful that it will reopen before Easter. Instead I am hoping to focus instead on exploring my colleagues’ reading attitudes with a view to developing the reading area further during next session. By interviewing colleagues I may be able to explore why we haven’t previously implemented improvements to reading area or implemented story time (at an appropriate level) and this will in turn inform future improvement. As colleagues range in experience (several are secondary based originally and several are primary based) I think there is scope for exploring whether qualifications/experiences will make a different to a teacher’s enthusiasm for promoting reading.

I had been able to chat with Stephanie about this and think I know where I am going next.