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CPL Opportunity – Inclusion Support and Development Groups 24-25

Please click on the links below for further information about registering for this year’s Early Years Inclusion Support and Development group sessions. The sessions are led by an EP and SLT and are focused on developing practitioner’s skills in including children with additional support needs. Participants will get the opportunity to attend six sessions across the year with peers, to engage in professional discussions, and to learn from invited professionals in sessions which are tailored to suit the group’s needs. Please note these sessions tend to be very popular and are limited to 25 participants per area. Please apply for the group in your area.

Inclusion SDG Flyer – South

Inclusion SDG Flyer – North West

Inclusion SDG Flyer – North East

Wee Minds Matter – Infant Mental Health Team (Birth – Three)

Information Sessions: Wee Minds Matter (Infant Mental Health)

Wee Minds Matter is the Infant Mental Health service in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. They have organised lunchtime information sessions over MS teams which will explore infant mental health, what the service can offer and how to refer to this service.

This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone working with children from birth to three to improve their understanding and practice in improving infant mental health and wellbeing.

If you would like to attend one of these sessions, please book using the links below:

Date of session – over MS teams   Webropol registration link  
Wednesday 29th November 2023  

12 – 1pm
Wednesday 31st January 2024 

Wednesday 28th February 2024 

Wednesday 27th March 2024 




CPL Opportunity – Inclusion Support and Development Groups


Please click on the links below for further information about registering for this year’s Inclusion Support and Development group sessions. The sessions are led by an EP and SLT and are focused on developing practitioner’s skills in including children with additional support needs. Participants will get the opportunity to attend six sessions across the year with peers, to engage in professional discussions, and to learn from invited professionals in sessions which are tailored to suit the group’s needs. Please note these sessions tend to be very popular and are limited to 25 participants per area. Please apply for the group in your area.

Inclusion SDG Flyer – North West. 

Inclusion SDG Flyer – North East

Inclusion SDG Flyer – South

Professional Learning Opportunity – Nurturing Staff Wellbeing – 31st Jan to 25th April

Nurturing Staff Wellbeing Image

We are all aware of the pressures of working in the early years sector and for the families we provide a service for. This is a fantastic opportunity to spend a bit of time focusing on staff wellbeing in these difficult times.

The course is run by Glasgow Educational Psychology Service and the Nurture Development Officer and is online (MS Teams). There are four sessions, each with information and activities on a wellbeing topic. It works best when a member of staff attends who has an interest in staff wellbeing and takes back activities to use with their team.

This course is free to access for all ELC providers in Glasgow. GCC nurseries register via CPD manager and funded providers complete the registration form and send to Jane Holmes, Nurture Clerical Assistant at by Tuesday 24th January. 

EY Nurturing Staff Wellbeing – Leaflet

EY Nurturing Staff Wellbeing – Registration Form

Diary Dates – AIG Referrals (applying for an alternative pathway for school)

Information from the Area Inclusion Group (AIG)

The AIG will continue to focus on supporting establishments to include children and young people within their local communities and as part of this, their local school (mainstream).

Referrals to the AIG from mainstream establishments can be made at any point of the school session. Such a process is consistent with the aim of meeting the needs of individual young people and complies with the ASL Act (2004). However, it is expected that this will be part of a planned approach where suitable transition can be arranged. Therefore, there will be a cut-off date where there is consideration of an alternative pathway and no referrals will be considered after this date. Requests for support will be considered between September 2022 and the end of October 2022. To comply with legislation regarding planning time for transition, the final cut off for all applications of support will be 28th October 2022. No applications will be considered after this date.

Diary Dates – PSADC application dates for 2023

Duntarvie PSADC and Linn PSADC support children at stage three and four. Find out more information about the PSADC service.

A small number of children may have needs which can be supported through the PSADCs 10-12 week placements. If you have a child you think may be appropriate the relevant PSADC paperwork should be submitted to the PSADC by the following dates:

  • 5th October 2022 (for late November / December cohort)
  • 25th January 2023 (for spring cohort)
  • 10th May 2023 (for August 2023 cohort)

Please note paperwork needs to be received by 4pm.