Plan, Do, Review

Plan and Do

Following effective assessment and identification of needs, establishment staff should plan and implement appropriate supports and interventions to meet these needs. Almost all children who require additional support will have their learning needs met by effective, inclusive, day-to-day high-quality playroom practice, which is planned for through your normal practices. This will involve considering, and possibly improving or adapting, the spaces, experiences and interactions on offer in your establishment.

Some children will need more detailed planning and supports to ensure you are meeting their needs. Personal learning plans should be written by the establishment with input from the child, their family, and any other professionals who are involved. The plan should be clearly linked to meeting the needs identified through the assessment process, with a small number of SMART targets, linked to clearly defined, positively-worded outcomes. GCC establishments will use the Early Years Wellbeing application to create and record Wellbeing plans. Funded providers may have their own templates for recording plans or may use the Wellbeing and Assessment Profile (WAP)


Plans must be reviewed regularly with all the people involved in writing the plan, including the child, the family, ELC staff and other involved professionals, and all views should be recorded. It is good practice to review plans every term. 

Supporting Materials

Information for parents about personal learning planning is provided by both Enquire and Parent Zone.

Learning Plans – Enquire

Learning Plans – Parent Zone

Training and information about using the Early Years Wellbeing application is available for GCC establishments. Early Years Pastoral Notes and Wellbeing support