Author Archives: Maggie Banks

CPL Opportunity – Inclusion Support and Development Groups


Please click on the links below for further information about registering for this year’s Inclusion Support and Development group sessions. The sessions are led by an EP and SLT and are focused on developing practitioner’s skills in including children with additional support needs. Participants will get the opportunity to attend six sessions across the year with peers, to engage in professional discussions, and to learn from invited professionals in sessions which are tailored to suit the group’s needs. Please note these sessions tend to be very popular and are limited to 25 participants per area. Please apply for the group in your area.

Inclusion SDG Flyer – North West. 

Inclusion SDG Flyer – North East

Inclusion SDG Flyer – South

Involving Children in Decision-Making

We all know it is vitally important to give even our youngest children opportunities to participate in decision-making, but it can be a challenge to know how to do this effectively. Please find below opportunities to be involved in creating guidance and support materials to use with young children to help them become meaningfully involved in decision-making.

This questionnaire will allow you to share your views on current practice. It should take no longer than 5 minutes and will close on Friday 27th March.

Questionnaire Link

If you would like to collaborate in co-creating the guidance and support materials with children and young people please leave your contact details using the Forms link below.

Expressions of interest link

Diary Date- CPL – Loss, Grief and Bereavement – 9th March 2023

This training day, hosted by the PPW Hospice in conjunction with Glasgow Educational Psychology Service and NHS Health Improvement Team, will give you the opportunity to learn about theories of grief, explore strategies to support coping with change, and discuss your role in supporting children and families affected by grief, loss and bereavement. Its open to all sectors and is always highly evaluated by attendees. GCC settings should sign up using CPD manager and funded providers can contact Lisa Forsyth (EP, Lead Loss and Bereavement) at to obtain a place.

Loss, Grief and Bereavement Training Day 2023


Duntarvie PSADC are hosting an open afternoon on Wednesday 8th March 2pm- 5pm. This is a great opportunity to look at resources and discuss strategies and planning with Duntarvie staff, with particular reference to early intervention, sensory profiles, use of visuals, and strategies to support language, communications and interaction.

Note places are limited and must be booked by contacting Duntarvie before Friday 3rd March. 

Duntavie – Open Doors Information Leaflet – March 2023

New SLT Resources – Using Visual Supports

Our colleagues in SLT have produced some fantastic short videos showing how to use visual supports effectively. There is information about using objects of reference, now next boards, visual timetables, visual routines, and how to use visuals to support attention and listening. Links for the videos have been added to the Professional Learning Framework, under the ‘Targeted – Speech, Language and Communication’ section and can also be accessed using the QR codes below. If you’re thinking of introducing visuals, or wanting to check you’re implementing visuals as effectively as possible, these will be a great starting point.


Professional Learning Opportunity – Nurturing Staff Wellbeing – 31st Jan to 25th April

Nurturing Staff Wellbeing Image

We are all aware of the pressures of working in the early years sector and for the families we provide a service for. This is a fantastic opportunity to spend a bit of time focusing on staff wellbeing in these difficult times.

The course is run by Glasgow Educational Psychology Service and the Nurture Development Officer and is online (MS Teams). There are four sessions, each with information and activities on a wellbeing topic. It works best when a member of staff attends who has an interest in staff wellbeing and takes back activities to use with their team.

This course is free to access for all ELC providers in Glasgow. GCC nurseries register via CPD manager and funded providers complete the registration form and send to Jane Holmes, Nurture Clerical Assistant at by Tuesday 24th January. 

EY Nurturing Staff Wellbeing – Leaflet

EY Nurturing Staff Wellbeing – Registration Form