Category: Impact

Our FV&WL RIC Impact Summary 2021/22

FVWL RIC Impact Summary 2021 22 Infographic final

The aim of our Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative is to reduce the poverty related attainment gap. Reducing the gap however, cannot be achieved with a single action, it requires many interventions and collaborations working in concert to achieve this. For an impact report of one element of the collaborative network trying to support this change it is very difficult to assess the direct impact of your actions. What we can say however, is that our RIC has helped build collaboration, share best practice and has had a role in improving pedagogy. Regional Improvement Collaboratives were built on the idea that by developing collaborative professionalism we could improve pedagogy, enhance the learning experience and improve outcomes for our children and young people. Whilst there is a long way to go, we believe that this report demonstrates that we have impacted positively on practitioner skills and pedagogy and acted as a catalyst, supporting greater collaborative working.