Category Archives: National Qualifications

Learning for the new NQs: Personalised Medicine links to the new National Qualifications

The advice and guidance shortly to be published for the new National 5 Biology links to this very topical breakthrough in “personalised medicine”: tailoring treatments to the genetics of the disease.

Look out for the forthcoming publication on the Education Scotland website, and meantime find out more about an international study funded by Cancer Research UK in this BBC article “Breast cancer rules rewritten in ‘landmark’ study”.

STEM Central Sounds Inspiring, Sounds Amazing!

As we progress the development of our new context on STEM Central “Sound”, some ideas to link to your learning and teaching. The Glasgow International Festival of Visual Arts, running from 23-28th April 2012, is showcasing the work of six diverse artists with an interest in sound, space and place. The works of the artists, audio based pieces responding to the Clyde’s tidal cycle will  be performed each day in public spaces in central Glasgow, and all will be performed on Saturday 28th in the circular, wood-panelled Trust Hall of Clydeport Authority Headquarters. Sounds inspiring? You can find out more on the Glasgow International Festival of Visual Arts website. What distinguishes music from noise? Why not view the Glow Science video “How do Musical Instruments work?” and explore this further?

And, it might sound like something from Dr Who but researchers at the University of Dundee have this week announced the invention of a “sonic screwdriver”, an ultrasonic device which has potential for developing new, more precise surgical techniques. Sounds amazing? More on this from the BBC. Unsure about ultrasound? Why not use the Glow Sciences videos Beyond the Range of Human Hearing, or Medical Marvels: Ultrasound for a bit of background?

STEM Central’s sound context will include learning journeys in sciences and technologies for early years, first, second and fourth level, incorporating work developed by the Engineering the Future project. The fourth level journey could be used to support your planning for learning and teaching for National 4 Physics.

Energy Security: Interconnectedness

Are you working with STEM Central to explore the role of STEM subjects in sustainability. Or looking ahead to the implementation of Senior Phase, and planning for learning and teaching around Energy Security for learners working towards new national qualifications in Environmental Science, Science or Physics.  

Is the future interconectedness?

Food Security: 6th World Fisheries Congress

Perhaps you are working with learners exploring food security as a context for learning? The 6th World Fisheries Congress is opening its doors to the fisheries scientists of the future. With the world population increasing to 9 billion within our lifetime and a rapidly changing global climate, the science needed to deliver sustainable foo from our seas, rivers and lakes is becoming increasingly important.

From 8-11th May 2012 Edinburgh will host the 6th World Fisheries Congress that with address “Sustainable fisheries in a changing world”. The Congress, the first ever in the UK, convenes only once every four years, and gathers the world’s most eminent experts on all issues that relate to wild capture and aquaculture in freshwater and marine ecosystems.

The Congress will open its door to the scientists of tomorrow to provide an insight into the exciting and rewarding challenge of ensuring sustainable world food supply.

The Congress is inviting applications from secondary schools in Scotland to send up to five Higher level learners plus on teacher to the event with free registration for the learners and the teaching.

The detailed programme can be found at Applications should be submitted no later than 19th April 2012 to with the e-mail subject Secondary Schools WFC and should include the following information:

Name of the school

Location of the school (e.g. town and local authority)

Name of teacher accompanying learners

Names of learners






Please indicate which days you would like to attend (delete as appropriate those not attending)

Tues Wed Thur Friday or all days

Compete the following sentence using no more than 20 words:

“We want to attend the 6th WFC because…”

World of Work Wednesday and groundbreaking Life Sciences Research in Scotland

If you are interested in signing up for the World of Work Wednesday Glow meet on 9th May at 2pm on Working in Life Sciences, these articles from The Independent “Scientists rewrite rules of human reproduction” and “Eggs unlimited: an extraordinary tale of scientific discovery” may be of interest. This article describes the ground breaking work with stem cells taking place at the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Harvard Medical School, and ties in perfectly with the contexts for forthcoming advice, guidance and exemplification for new NQs in Biology.

Wednesday 9th May at 2pm

You don’t have to do the traditional route of university, and a PhD to have a career in science. It maybe seems like the kind of job for which you have to spend years and years qualifying and training. Well, this is not always the case. Young people, some not long out of school, are working in science right now and you could be too.

Science requires individuals with many skills and interests – and not all scientists work in a laboratory. The panel for this session all have different jobs and their qualifications, training and experiences are varied.

With Life Sciences, you are already at an advantage when it comes to employment opportunties. Scotland is regarded as one of the most successful countries in the world for Life Sciences. The Scottish Government have made Life Sciences a Key Priority Industry, which means that they see it as a means of us expanding our economy in the future. The industry has roles in sales, business development, research, clinical trials and many more.

Click here to sign up to the event (Glow log in required).


World of Work Wednesdays – Working in Sciences

Wednesday 9th May at 2pm

You don’t have to do the traditional route of university, and a PhD to have a career in science. It maybe seems like the kind of job for which you have to spend years and years qualifying and training. Well, this is not always the case. Young people, some not long out of school, are working in science right now and you could be too.

Science is part of our everyday life and Life Sciences are particularly important, with stories on the news nearly every week telling us about new medical technologies and treatments for diseases.

Science requires individuals with many skills and interests – and not all scientists work in a laboratory. The panel for this session all have different jobs and their qualifications, training and experiences are varied.

With Life Sciences, you are already at an advantage when it comes to employment opportunties. Scotland is regarded as one of the most successful countries in the world for Life Sciences. The Scottish Government have made Life Sciences a Key Priority Industry, which means that they see it as a means of us expanding our economy in the future. The industry has roles in sales, business development, research, clinical trials and many more.

This World of Work Wednesday comes at an ideal time to enhance practitioners knowledge and understanding of this area of work, to tie in with the forthcoming advice, guidance and exemplification for new NQs associated with health and disease, and inheritance.

Click here to sign up to the event (Glow log in required).

Literacy in Action

Literacy in Action: Supporting Colleges to Influence Early Years Practice

 The Literacy in Action: Supporting Colleges to Influence Early Years Practice Conference took place at Stirling Management Centre on Saturday 25 February 2012. This event was organised by Education Scotland to give Further Education lecturers an opportunity to hear about the Scottish Government’s Literacy Action Plan.

 View video of the keynote speakers here.


Resources to support the teaching of Judaism in schools

The Scottish Council of Jewish Communities website provides a wealth of information that can be used to support the teaching of Judaism in schools. The Resources section of the website has many useful documents including “Scotland Jews”. Their quarterly magazine “Four Corners” contains many useful articles and sources from people around the country that well help bring alive the message of what it means to be Jewish in Scotland today.

Many of the articles on the consultations pages will show you how Judaism in Scotland has reacted to many current moral and ethical issues that the Scottish Parliament has been discussing.

Please visit the website and browse this useful and engaging website full or articles and resources.

Guidance coming soon for new National Qualifications

Education Scotland is developing advice and guidance for practitioners on the delivery of courses within the new National Qualifications (NQ) framework. This advice and guidance will support the delivery of courses which are either new or where there are aspects of significant change within National 4 and National 5 levels. Advice and guidance will be published at the end of April.

Examples of supplementary advice for Geography include:

  • Advice and Guidance for the Added Value Unit.
  • Suggestions for approaches to learning and teaching for the Global Issues Unit.

Education Scotland and SQA held joint Curriculum Area Update events in November and December. These events were held in every curriculum area to discuss the detail of the draft qualifications with teachers and to hear their views. Education Scotland materials used at the events by delegates are available to download for use by practitioners in their own settings.

Visit the NQ Support web pages to find out more about the advice and guidance being developed, or have your say to help inform future plans.

CfE & Glow News – February Issue

The CfE and Glow News update provides you with information about Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow. Read it here.

To sign up for this newsletter, please click here.

Wise Up Wednesday – Literacy in Action

On Saturday the early years team at Education Scotland hosted a conference at Stirling Management Centre – 

Literacy in Action: Supporting Colleges to Support Early Years Practice.

Aileen Campbell MSP, Minister for Children andYoung People launched our new resource for parents every day’s a learning day. This resource highlights the learning opportunities present in every day situations from sorting the washing to preparing meals. Watch this space for more information

The conference was very successful with delegates sharing their enthusiasm about the workshops and the speakers which included:

Jean Carwood-Edwards, Programme Director, Education Scotland

Scotland’s Literacy Action Plan – everyone’s responsibility   

Alan Bissett, Author

Literacy in Action – promoting a reading culture in Scotland

National Updates

Education Scotland – Inspection Framework 

Louise Gaddi, Qualifications Manager Care Scotland, SQA

Catherine Agnew, Inspector Manager – Registration,Care Inspector

Nina Roberts, Education and Workforce Development Adviser, SSSC  

World Cafe Workshops

Development Officers provided an overview of how their own area of work supports the Literacy Action Plan and lead discussions on how the resources available could be used with students of early education and childcare.

Irene Russell, Development Officer, Parental Involvement

Susan Doherty, Development Officer, Work with Young People

Hilary Bombart, Team Leader (Acting), Literacy and English

Anna Cartlidge, Development Officer, Early Years/Responsibility of All

Visit Scotland’s Colleges Blog to see a video of the key messages from the day.

Think of a Learner…and a loop the loop

Education Scotland’s Sciences Development Offier joined up with SSERC to work with Physics teachers from South Lanarkshire during their recent in-service days.

The Think of a Learner toolkit, under development to aid practitioners in self evaluation and engaging in professional dialogue, to explore in more depth the guidance and advice on CfE from the perspective of the individual learner, was used to stimulate and structure interesting and challenging discussion. This toolkit, designed to be used for individual, department, Faculty or whole school CPD,  addresses the most common questions and queries arising around new NQs and bridging from the BGE to Senior Phase. The theme was continued with some hands-on work including the amazing invisible test tube and new ideas for physics of motion using a loop the loop track and a neat piece of free software called Tracker.Jar. Together, we explored how learning and teaching in a three year Senior Phase can offer opportunity to build on prior learning and support the learning in achievement his or her potential.  

Many thanks for the teachers who worked hard on each of the two mornings, and to South Lanarkshire and SSERC for working in partnership with Education Scotland to support teachers with CfE.

Launch of new edition of Amazing Things supports youth employment agenda

As Scotland’s youth unemployment figures continue to rise, a new edition of flagship publication Amazing Things highlights the range of opportunities available for young people through Scotland’s youth awards.

 The third edition of Amazing Things – a guide to the youth awards in Scotland, has been produced by the Awards Network, a forum of twenty-one providers of non-formal learning awards across Scotland.The Awards Network was established by Youth Scotland as part of the Scottish Government’s Volunteer Action Plan.

Amazing Things (Third edition) and the work of the Awards Network is in alignment with the Scottish Government’s strategy to tackle the national challenges of youth unemployment. Both recognise the significant role youth work has to play in supporting young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

As well as providing an index of the awards available for young people aged 12 – 25, the publication celebrates the significant voluntary contributions that young people are already making in their own communities. It makes a clear link between use of the youth awards and an increase in young people’s ‘soft’ skills and employability levels.

A key publication for youth work organisations, schools, colleges, universities, and employers, Amazing Things (Third edition), is available to download for free here.

CfE & Glow News e-update – January

The CfE and Glow News e-update provides you with updates on Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow.

Click here to view the newsletter or click on the links below.

Read the January issue to find out about the following:

Award in Volunteering Skills

The Award in Volunteering Skills at SCQF Levels 3, 4 and 5 provides formal recognition of volunteering activity. Through participation in volunteering activities, candidates will develop a range of skills and personal development experiences which will help to prepare them for responsibility, further education and employment.

Candidates learn about the context of volunteering; plan a volunteering placement; review and reflect on their own skills and volunteering experience; and complete an investigative project.

More information is available here.

SQA Curriculum Events: Access 1 and 2

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

The Access 1 and 2 day was on the 13th Decemeber. To view the Glow Meet recordings from the event click on the links below (you will need to glow log in to access the recordings):

Introduction and Question/Answers

Workshop documents

To find out about other Curriculum Area Events during December via Glow TV click here.

SQA Curriculum Events: Sciences

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

The Sciences day was on the 12th Decemeber. To view the Glow Meet recordings from the event click on the links below (you will need to glow log in to access the recordings):

Introduction and Question/Answers

Presentations and workshop activities

To find out about other Curriculum Area Events during December via Glow TV click here.

SQA Curriculum Event: Mathematics & Numeracy

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

The Mathematics and Numeracy day was on the 9th Decemeber. To view the Glow Meet recordings from the event click on the links below (you will need to glow log in to access the recordings):

Introduction and Workshops

Presentations and Workshop Documents

To find out about other Curriculum Area Events during December via Glow TV click here.

SQA Curriculum Event: English/Literacy

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

The English/Literacy day was on the 8th Decemeber. To view the Glow Meet recordings from the event click on the links below (you will need to glow log in to access the recordings):

Introduction and Workshop

Presentations and workshop activities

To find out about other Curriculum Area Events during December via Glow TV click here.

SQA Curriculum Event: Expressive Arts and PE

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

The Expressive Arts and PE day was on the 7th Decemeber. To view the Glow Meet recordings from the event click on the links below (you will need to glow log in to access the recordings):

Introduction and Question/Answers

Music Workshops

Art and Design Workshops

Drama and Dance Workshops

PE Workshop

To find out about other Curriculum Area Events during December via Glow TV click here.

SQA Curriculum Event: Languages

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

The Languages day was on the 5th Decemeber. To view the Glow Meet recordings from the event click on the links below (you will need to glow log in to access the recordings):

Languages – Introduction and Question/Answers/Workshops

Gàidhlig Workshops

To find out about other Curriculum Area Events during December via Glow TV click here.

SQA Curriculum Event: RME and Social Studies

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

The RME and Scoial Studies day was on the 29th Novemeber. To view the Glow Meet recordings from the event click on the links below (you will need to glow log in to access the recordings):

Introduction and Question/Answers

To find out about other Curriculum Area Events during December via Glow TV click here.

SQA Curriculum Event: Technologies

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

I attended the Technologies Day on the 1st Decemeber. To view the Glow Meet recordings from the event click on the links below (you will need to glow log in to access the recordings):

Introduction and Question/Answers

Business Education

Health, Fashion and Technology


To find out about other Curriculum Area Events during December via Glow TV click here.

Advice and guidance on new National Qualifications,MDNO,3GU5HR,1T9Y1,1

Education Scotland is developing advice and guidance for practitioners on the delivery of courses within the new National Qualifications (NQ) framework. A new advice and guidance area within the NQ Support webpages is available, giving further information and linking to a new advice and guidance factfile and an online survey ( As part of the ongoing development work associated with new National Qualifications, Education Scotland consulted key partners to determine the type and nature of supplementary guidance which should be developed to support the new NQs. The webpages explain the support that is currently in development and the form that this will take. This advice and guidance will be published in the spring.

New Qualifications – November Update

 More detail about how each new National 5 Course will be assessed is now available. Draft Course Assessment Specifications for National 5 have been published on the SQA website and define the mandatory assessment requirements for Courses at National 5.

The purpose of the Course Assessment Specification is to ensure consistent and transparent assessment year on year. It describes the structure of the Course assessment and the mandatory skills, knowledge and understanding that will be assessed.

 Find out more about the qualifications development stages.

 Draft Unit Specifications have also been published for new Higher Courses. 

Feedback on these documents can be given via Have Your Say until 31 January 2012. The final versions of all SQA draft documents will be published in April 2012.

Curriculum Area Events on Glow TV

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

The events will take place on 29 November, and 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13 December. Each event will be streamed live on Glow via the SQA Glow Group.  Most events and workshops will be shown live and recorded for watching again later.

A number of resources will be available following each event, including opportunities to hear some of the discussions from the day.

Physics Revised Advanced Higher support

Work on the support for the revised Advanced Higher Physics continues, with teacher and learner support being developed and due for publication in spring 2012. Areas for support include new Space and Time, and development is being carried out by practitioners from schools across Scotland, in conjunction with partners from higher education and SSERC. A real team effort!

SQA Update for New National Qualifications

The Scottish Qualifications Authority has a number of resources to support teachers and practitioners to help them understand the changes to Scotland’s national qualifications. Read more in this update.

A Guide to Faith Communities in Scotland

To advance public knowledge and understanding of the teachings, traditions and practices of the different faith communities in Scotland, SIFC has produced the above booklet. It has recently been reprinted in May 2011. It can be downloaded  here:

A Guide to Faith Communities in Scotland

STEM Central and Education Scotland newsletter

If you haven’t seen the first edition of the new Education Scotland newletter you can find it using this link The front page highlights the new STEM Central resource, and the importance of sciences, technologies, engineering and maths for the future of Scotland’s economy. The newsletter also announces the role of Education Scotland in supporting practitioners with the delivery of the new qualifications, with learning resources to be published in spring 2012.

Curriculum for Excellence Action Plan – details announced at #SLF11

This Scottish Government Action Plan details the priorities for the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence for 2011-2012. Details of the plan were announced in the keynote speech by Michael Russell, Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, at the Scottish Learning Festival on 21 September, 2011.

#SLF11 Learning, Teaching & Assessment in Sciences – Making the Connections

Joanna McGillivray, Head of Science and Computing at Forth Valley College shared with delegates at #SLF11 on Thursday a number of exciting and innovative programmes of work which the college offers, in partnership with schools in a number of local authorities, employers and industry. Learners studying for the Science Baccalaureate have celebrated tremendous success; delegates were able to view work produced by learners as part of the interdisciplinay project element of the Bacc. The value of connecting learning, teaching and assessment to real world applications to support learners in making the transition to sustainable post school destinations, whether FE, HE, further training or employment cannot be underestimated. Read about learners’ opportunities to find out about effective science communication within the Bacc programme and see the Journey to Excellence website to hear from staff and students, the benefits of “hands on” education.

Supporting AH Physics

Development Officers for Sciences, Nicola Nielsen and Lauren Boath, and Development Officers for Support for National Qualifications, Therea McIntosh and Andrew Dingwall, worked with partners, practitioners and researchers yesterday to start the ball rolling on what Education Scotland’s support resources for the refreshed AH Physics will look like. We were hosted by SSERC, whose contribution to the organisation and smooth running of the day was very much appreciated; and the practical work with Gregor Steele left all excited, inspired, and fired up. John Sharkey, SQA, set the scene of where we are in terms of development towards the AH which can be taken up by early adopters for academic year 2012/13. Practitioners were joined by researchers, and the IOP, for sharing ideas about supporting practitioners in AH Physics.

New National Qualifications – have your say!

National 4 and 5 Modern Languages qualifications are currently at the Unit Specification development stage and the SQA is really keen to hear from Modern Languages practitioners.  To view the draft documents and most importantly to have your say please click on the following links.

National 4

National 5

Information on the New Qualifications

Up to date information on the development of the new National Qualifications, including timelines, draft specifications and opportunities to be involved  and give feedback can be found on the SQA CfE website at:

National Qualifications Team

The National Qualifications Team is currently working to develop initial support for the new National Qualifications.  We are also contintuing to support existing and revised qualifications.  You can access our wide range of existing resources and support materials by going to our home page at: 

We also have Glow Groups to support staff delivering NQs you can find these at:  We are planning to redevelop these groups this year to encourage greater sharing of resources and ideas among practitioners delivering NQ courses.