Marr College DigiLearn TeachMeet

5thMarch2015Thursday 5th March from 3.30 to 4.30

Mrs McGregor-Sloman (Head Teacher) and Mr McLean (PT Computing Science) would like to invite you to attend a ‘TeachMeet’ In Marr College.  The theme is the use of technology to enhance the learning of our pupils.

Any educator can come along can share their ideas and practice around the use of technologies to help young people learn and develop their skills and knowledge.

To register just email


Launch of Early Learn Community

Early Learn

Education Scotland is building an online professional learning community for early learning and childcare practitioners.This will be the place where these practitioners and other Scottish educators can come together and converse, share resources, add, and take part in, professional learning opportunities and, of course, share the impact on learners.

The community (which is on the new Glow platform) goes officially live next week at a professional learning Masterclass in Dundee City Council. In the meantime, you are all very welcome to come in and say “hello”.

The community is at and, if you are new to professional learning communities on Glow, look for the Support menu option.

If you are in the early learning and childcare sector in Scotland and need a Glow username and password, see How do I get a login?

Digital storytelling update – part 2

We told you last week about our Digital Storytelling exercise. Well, already there has been a major plot development!

Award-winning childrens’ author, Theresa Breslin, has kindly agreed to provide the story starter for Digital Storytelling 3.

Among the schools who will be taking part are Kilbarchan, Lochfield, Invergowrie, Pumpherston and Uphall Station primary schools.

The great news is that as of the time of writing this blog post, there are still slots available. So if you want to take part, get along to the storytelling learning space

<Please note, there are also still slots available for Storytelling 2 (for older writers) see Digital Storytelling 1 and 2 update for another surprise!>

Theresa_Breslin_400x400About Theresa Breslin

  • Carnegie Medal winning author of over 40 books
  • Her books include Divided City, Ghost Soldier and Illustrated Treasury of Folk & Fairy Tales
  • Her work has appeared on Stage, Radio & TV

You can keep up to date with Theresa’s work online:

Digital storytelling update – part 1

We told you last week about our Digital Storytelling exercise. These two stories haven’t even started yet and there has been a major plot twist!

Renowned Scottish childrens’ author, Cathy MacPhail, has kindly agreed to provide the story starters for both Digital Storytelling 1 and Digital Storytelling 2.

First to take up Cathy’s challenge will be the young writers of St Michael’s Primary in Dumfries. Of course, they won’t see Catherine’s starter until just before they start writing!

You can see all the other schools taking part in this particular challenge on Glow by going to the storytelling learning space

<Please note, Storytelling 1 is full but there are still slots available for Storytelling 2 and Storytelling 3 –see Digital Storytelling 3 update for another surprise!>

Cathy_MacPhailAbout Cathy MacPhail

  • Cathy is Patron of Reading at Falkirk High
  • She is also an Ambassador for Children 1st.
  • Her novel , Out of The Depths, was shortlisted for the Grampian Book Award and she is weel kent for her Tyler Lawless Mysteries.
  • Her novel, Another Me, is soon to be released as a film, Panda Eyes.

You can keep up to date with Cathy’s work online: