Early Learning and Childcare (ELCC) Local Conversations

Monday 26 January 2015
Glasgow – Room G09 Meeting Room – the Europa Building (Conversation 1: 09.30-12.00; Conversation 2: 13.30 – 16.00)

Thursday 29 January 2015
Dundee – Conference Room – Endeavour House (13.30-16.00)

Education Scotland is holding Local Conversations in Glasgow and Dundee for Early Learning and Childcare practitioners and managers to engage with them about the proposed revision of the self-evaluation toolkits.
The views of participants will be gathered about:
• What are the benefits and considerations of revising in tandem How Good Is Our School? and Child at the Centre?
• What are the strengths of the current tool that you would want to retain?
• How might the tool(s) be improved and developed in light of recent developments in education generally and in Early Learning and Childcare more specifically?
Invitations have already been sent to key contacts in local authorities and EY national partner agencies.
If you would like to attend please contact Marie.O’Donnell@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk
