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Regional events – children’s rights, global citizenship and outdoor learning
Education Scotland is hosting a series of important regional events in March 2013 to enable schools to explore the implications of two major policy developments – the Children and Young People Bill and the Learning for Sustainability report.
The Children and Young People Bill, which will be considered by the Scottish Parliament in 2013, sets out a range of proposals for children’s services and will seek to embed the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) across the public sector. This will support the Getting it Right for Every Child approach and also the exciting work taking place in Scottish schools to engage learners in rights-based education and pupil voice activities.
The Learning for Sustainability report, published in December 2012, sets out a strategic agenda for change for Scottish schools. The report recommends the adoption of a coherent whole school approach to ensure that sustainability, global citizenship and outdoor learning are experienced in a transformative way by every learner in every school across Scotland. The report also includes a number of recommendations relating to career-long professional learning, leadership development and the new GTC Scotland Professional Standards. The Scottish Government will respond to this report in March this year.
In addition, participants will also learn of the many exciting events taking place in 2013/14 to support these aspects of learning including: the Year of Natural Scotland; Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games; the Scottish independence referendum; Homecoming Year; Ryder Cup; David Livingstone’s bicentenary; John Muir’s centenary and the centenary of the start of the First World War.
Through a mixture of workshops, exhibitions and spotlight sessions, delegates will have the opportunity to gain practical ideas and insight from early years, ASN, primary and secondary schools with interesting practice to share. Key national organisations will also be on hand to offer support, resources and advice.
Target audience: The main target audience are school leaders, local authority staff and those with a whole school responsibility for global citizenship, sustainability, children’s rights and outdoor learning.
Sectors: Early years (including partnership providers), ASN, primary and secondary schools.
- 9:30am – 3:30pm, Wed 13th March – Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh
- 9:30am – 3:30pm, Mon 18th March – Drumossie Hotel, Inverness
- 9:30am – 3:30pm, Wed 20th March – Hampden Stadium, Glasgow.
How to book: Delegate places have been allocated to each local authority to ensure all school sectors and geographical areas are well represented. School or local authority staff should contact their local authority coordinator in the first instance to book.
General bookings will be available from 26th Feb onwards. Please email Willie Bhari: or Tel: 0141 282 5208 to add your name to this waiting list. Cost of attending event: Free.