Guidance coming soon for new National Qualifications

Education Scotland is developing advice and guidance for practitioners on the delivery of courses within the new National Qualifications (NQ) framework. This advice and guidance will support the delivery of courses which are either new or where there are aspects of significant change within National 4 and National 5 levels. Advice and guidance will be published at the end of April.

Examples of supplementary advice for Geography include:

  • Advice and Guidance for the Added Value Unit.
  • Suggestions for approaches to learning and teaching for the Global Issues Unit.

Education Scotland and SQA held joint Curriculum Area Update events in November and December. These events were held in every curriculum area to discuss the detail of the draft qualifications with teachers and to hear their views. Education Scotland materials used at the events by delegates are available to download for use by practitioners in their own settings.

Visit the NQ Support web pages to find out more about the advice and guidance being developed, or have your say to help inform future plans.
