This is the third post in a series by the CPD Team outlining some of our thinking in preparation for the new Glow platform. As a result, a small number of the links below point to examples on Glow, so apologies in advance if you are not a Glow user!
Much has been written on the topic of educators being responsible for, and leading, their own CPD. Most recently I came across this blog post by Laura Varlas, an ACSD contributor in United States, who talks about how “schools in Sweden have moved from prescribed teacher training models defined by the central education ministry to teacher-designed projects focused on meeting real challenges in teachers’ own classrooms”
Of course, one of the big successes of the work of the National CPD Team in Scotland (in conjunction with SCSSA) was the development of the Learning Rounds model of CPD. In this model, educators do lead their own learning by observing each other in a non-judgemental way and discussing the learning. We are even seeing this being piloted as an initial teacher training model according to this BBC news story.
In this video, on one of our CPDLead communities on Glow, Denny the head teacher from Mossneuk Primary in South Lanarkshire explains how circumstances forced the school to look inward for its CPD and is all the better for it!
So what does this mean for an online environment like the new Glow and how might it encourage educators to take responsibility for their own learning? The answer is very probably to provide some tools and templates and then get out of the way!
There are many examples of Scottish educators taking part in DIY-CPD online through;
- reflective journals both individual and public (eg chalkface blog, Sharing in West Lothian, Don’s blog)
- organising of TeachMeets (eg LeadMeet)
- conversations and sharing of practice around educational keywords (hashtags) on Twitter (eg #ukedchat)
- CPDFind and CPDReflect
- collaborative working using online communities on CPDCentral/Glow and other means (eg Edubuzz, Pedagoo and CompEdNet)
So, here are some ideas to support the reality of educators leading their own learning on the next generation of Glow.
- Support the Scottish educators mentioned above to come together as an outward-facing and forward-facing community.
- make it easier to host TeachMeets online
- open an online, CPD Conference Centre where educators can do their own stuff with the web-conferencing tool whatever that may be (see the Conference Centre on Glow currently)
- expand the CPDRequest service to be more of a ‘swap-shop’ where educators can do deals to support each other in their learning
- start and support a CPD ‘dating agency’ for peer mentoring (there’s a nascent one on CPDStepin at the moment)
- above all, continue to promote curiosity and rigour by providing tools to encouraging online reflection and sharing.
Let’s make our professional learning visible (to borrow a phrase from John Hattie)! Please feel free to add to the ideas mentioned above, or chuck stuff at them, in the comments section! 😉