Developing Global Citizens – News bulletin September 2011

Welcome to our latest news bulletin

Download or order the brand new Global Citizenship calendar 2011/12.  The calendar is free of charge.  Bulk orders from Klaus Mayer.
 Sign up for the first in the new series of DGC open day study visits: Scottish Education Award-winning Mearns Primary School.
 New DGC open day study visit programme – limited places so sign up early!
 National Human Rights conference organised by Black and Ethnic Minority Infrastructure Scotland,  27 October, Glasgow City Chambers.
 Sign up for Forest Pitch football strip design competition – watch the video, download the design brief and support materials.
 Find out how to take part in the Big Dance Schools Pledge and Get Scotland Dancing!Get Set Goes Global! Exciting new resources from the London 2012 Get Set team. Having trouble with your Get Set registration or applying to the Network?  Get help here!
 The new Schools Global Footprint website is now live on Education Scotland online – use it to measure your school’s impact on the environment.
 Grants are available for school activities relating to climate change – get in touch with Climate Exchange to find out more.
 Find out about the 95,000 jobs that will be created in the energy sector – download our new guidance leaflet for teachers and those who advise on careers.
 The History of White People’: schools invited to take part in a free public lecture by leading US race relations professor.
 British Council support for international school link and partnerships.
 The new Fife Earth project ‘Marks on the Landscape’ offers innovative design challenges for learners and inspires creative learning across the curriculum.
 Video clips of the month:

SATH Autumn Conference 2011

A message from Neil McLennan – President Scottish Association of Teachers of History

It gives me great pleasure to attach the programme for the SATH Autumn Conference. We are indebted to the University of Edinburgh for their kind offering of magnificent facilities at the Old Medical School (now the home of the History Department) and to the Heritage Education Forum for thier support and sponsorship of the programme.

I have attached a paper copy of the programme. The link to send around colleagues is:-

Please do circulate the paper programme and the link widely amongst other history education professionals. This link will be used to drop in further information about the various speakers as the event approaches. It is also a place where SATH members can link up with history educators to share ideas, teaching resources and learning ideas.

Interest is likely to be high given the wide variety and high caliber of speakers on offer. The theme ‘Learning from each other’ brings together inputs from Europe , the academic world, primary schools and secondary schools. We even have an input from students which brings an interesting perspective. Furthermore there will be plenty of opportunity to network and share with colleagues at the history fayre where history and heritage education providers will be on hand to share what resources and ideas they have to offer.

I hope that the programme is of interest to you and I very much so look forward to seeing you at the conference.

SATH Autumn Conference 2011

SLF 2011: Technologies: Curriculum for Excellence: Learning, Teaching and Assessment, Making the Connections: Part 2

During the Technologies Seminar at the Scottish Learning Festival 2011, Debbie Kennedy and Marisa Anderson from St. Kentigern’s Academy in West Lothian delivered an interesting presentation describing how the Business Education and Computing departments in their school have collaborated together to create an interdisciplinary course for S1 called Informatics.

You can view the presentation here. (Glow log in required)

SLF 2011: Technologies: Curriculum for Excellence: Learning, Teaching and Assessment, Making the Connections

During the Technologies Seminar at the Scottish Learning Festival 2011, Claire Kane and Carla Watson from St. Nicholas RC Primary in West Lothian, joined by their pupils Olivia, Anna, Ewan and Jack presented an interesting and inspiring account of how Technologies for Learning were embedded in their Social Enterprise Project – Food for Thought Community Cafe.

You can view the presentation here. (Glow log in required)

You can also follow the project on Twitter @fftcc or visit their blog.

New Media Literacy Resource

Screening Shorts is a major new online resource to help and show teachers how to use moving image education in the classroom.
Log in using your glow password to access over 30 short films with teaching resources and helpful advice as to how to use moving image in the classroom. The films are copyright free and can be downloaded for editing/mash ups. The shorts are suitable for all curricular areas and age ranges.


SLF 2011: Education Showcase – Technologies

Using Glow/Technologies to support Learning, Teaching and Assessment

Karlie Robinson and Jack, Becky and Kieran from Bridgend Primary in West Lothian presented at the Scottish Learning Festival about how they have been using Glow and other Technologies to help with learning, teaching and assessment across the curriculum.

They presented on a number of topics including:

  • how Glow can be used to connect with other schools across Scotland and collaborate through topic work
  • why Glow is important in the delivery of lessons
  • the impact of using technology in lessons on pupils through their own words as they discuss their learning experiences
  • challenges and successes experienced by class teachers in delivering these types of experiences

To view their inspiring presentation click here (Glow login required).

You can investigate how Bridgend Primary have been using Glow and other Technologies by visiting the West Lothian Sharing our Learning Blog.

You can also get the pupils thoughts on their first visit to the Learning Festival here.

A RIGHT Wee Blether – Live in a Nursery

Are you involved in the Wee Blether? It started on the 12th September and nurseries and Primary 1 classes across Scotland are taking part.

Following on from the very successful RIGHT blether, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Tam Baillie would like children between the ages of 2 and 5 to have their very own creative conversation using their own forms of expression. It’s important to get involved as it is a chance for young children to inform the Commissioner’s work, to celebrate the variety and diversity of the ways in which children might choose to participate and to encourage their active engagement and involvement.

Find out more about the Wee Blether and how you can be involved on the SCCYP website.

Why not join us live in Glow TV in a nursery setting in North Lanarkshire to see how the children there are getting on with their wee books and talking to staff? You too can join us to share your experiences of a RIGHT Wee Blether and take part in some interactive activities during the Glow Meet.

Why not sign up and join us in Glow TV on Tuesday 4th October from 11-12pm.
We look forward to seeing you then!