Health and Wellbeing

New HWB and OL Team are now all in place and looking forward to the work ahead in continuing to support the embedding of HWB, and the promoting of OL, within Curriculum for Excellence.

Last week the team delivered 2 joint events, one with the SCYP team and one with SCYP and the Positive Behaviour team, to lecturers from the Teacher Education Institutes and the FE colleges. Both events were very positively evaluated and a real step forward in terms of partnership work with the colleges and the universites.

16+ Learning Choices Newsletter August 2011

The new look 16+ learning Choices Newsletter August 2011 has been published. In addition to good news articles from across the country, there are updates on developments and links to resources. The newsletter can be downloaded from the 16+ Learning Choices blog

Supporting Learners recently published support for staff materials

The following case studies have been published online

Flexible Learning: supporting transitions for young people with additional support needs

The Flexible Learning Initiative in North Lanarkshire has been set up to support young people who have become disengaged with education to the extent that many of them struggle to attend their mainstream schools.

Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) help support transitions for young people

ELO is a transition programme based in three North Lanarkshire special schools which builds and develops unique programmes for individual pupils with additional support needs arising particularly from social and emotional factors.

Coalyard transition project – providing stepping stones to employment for young people with learning disabilities

The Coalyard is a project in Larkhall offering support and skills development to young people with additional support needs who are making the transition into employment, training or further education.