Tag: CLD

Upcoming webinars and professional learning opportunities for CLD

The Education Scotland team have collated a number of webinars and online opportunities hosted by ourselves and others that may be of relevance to CLD practitioners and managers. See details of dates, times, platform where available and link for signing up below.

Tuesday 2nd August: 12.30 – 1pm, Scottish Community Safety Network: Climate change and community safety zine, https://tinyurl.com/ypuxf6h8

Thursday 4th August: 2 – 4pm, Volunteer Scotland: Volunteer induction,  https://bit.ly/37dC4Fy

Friday 5th August: 2 – 3.30pm, Youthlink Scotland: Careers by design: Youth voice workshops, https://tinyurl.com/3beu57cy

Monday 8th August: 12.30 – 1pm, Scottish Community Safety Network: Home Safety Map, https://tinyurl.com/y8dbjacj

Tuesday 9th August: 10am – 4pm, Volunteer Scotland: PVG & signatory training, https://tinyurl.com/ycktrwpx

Tuesday 9th August: 2 – 4pm, Volunteer Scotland: Managing difficult situations, https://bit.ly/3x34TiP

Thursday 11th August: 4.30 – 6pm, Youthlink Scotland: Careers by design: Youth voice workshops, https://tinyurl.com/ys63a46w

Wednesday 17th August: 10am – 12noon, Volunteer Scotland: Volunteer change management, https://bit.ly/3x3e5nr

Wednesday 17th August: 2 – 4pm, Volunteer Scotland: Supporting volunteers,  https://bit.ly/3DEFg9x

Monday 29th August: 6 – 8pm, Youth Scotland: Arts Toolkit Training, https://tinyurl.com/yrvmfzfs

Tuesday 30th August: Volunteer Scotland: Involving and matching volunteers to roles & tasks, https://bit.ly/3uW9bG8

Tuesday 30th August: 10am – 4pm, Volunteer Scotland: PVG & signatory training, https://tinyurl.com/ycktrwpx

Wednesday 31st August: 2 – 3.30pm, Children in Scotland: Mindfulness for your wellbeing and creativity, https://bit.ly/3wIGugR

Monday 5th September: 4 – 5.30pm, Education Scotland: How does gender inequality affect attainment, wellbeing and participation? https://tinyurl.com/4z7y5hwf

Wednesday 7th September: 10am – 12noon, Volunteer Scotland: Planning for Volunteering, https://www.volunteerscotland.net/for-organisations/training-courses/volunteer-practice-training/interactive-learning-bites/

Thursday 8th September: 10am – 4pm, Volunteer Scotland: PVG & signatory training, https://tinyurl.com/ycktrwpx

Tuesday 13th September: 2 – 4pm, Volunteer Scotland: Volunteer change management, https://www.volunteerscotland.net/for-organisations/training-courses/volunteer-practice-training/interactive-learning-bites/

Tuesday 20th September: CDAS Annual National Conference, Edinburgh Training & Conference Venue and live streaming online, email cdascotland@gmail.com to register

Wednesday 21st/Thursday 22nd September: Education Scotland: Scottish Learning Festival, Registration – SLF2022

Thursday 22nd September: 2 – 4pm, Volunteer Scotland: Developing volunteer roles, https://www.volunteerscotland.net/for-organisations/training-courses/volunteer-practice-training/interactive-learning-bites/

Also check out https://bit.ly/3fN7Fgi and https://bit.ly/2V4g5Iw for a range of pre-recorded webinars from the Education Scotland Digital Skills team. These were created for formal education setting, but the content will be a just as relevant to CLD practitioners. For example, learn how to use Microsoft Forms for quizzes and surveys or watch the session on online gaming and gambling.

Please contact Susan.Epsworth@educationscotland.gov.scot if you would like us to promote something on your behalf