Active & Co-operative Learning

Active learning allows us as teachers to involve our pupils more in their own learning. Active learning also hopefully lets children feel more engaged in their own learning and feel inspired and excited to learn. There are many positive factors for active learning including; the children being more active towards their learning than having a passive attitude. It also allows the child to take their learning into their own hands which I feel is a more effective method of learning as the child will be more likely to remember and feel excited about what they are learning.

There is an endless list of benefits when it comes to working co-operatively within the classroom for both the teacher and the pupils.

Personally, I feel that working and learning with my fellow colleagues is a more effective method of learning. Discussion ideas with others and getting their opinions and views enhances everyone’s knowledge that is involved within the discussion. Working co-operatively also helps to develop skills such as; time management, communication, social skills and commitment. So if we use co-operative learning within our classrooms with our pupils then this will allow the children to gain and develop these valuable skills.

Co-operative learning gives the children a common goal to work towards as a group. This therefore allows for the children to work closely with each other to get the best results out of the task together, rather than individually so therefore, making it a more effective learning method. As well as allowing the children to develop team working skills it also allows for them to develop respect for their peer’s opinions and views which is a valuable lesson.

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