All posts by John

I am a teacher, currently working in Banton Primary for North Lanarkshire Council. I also act as Product Owner/provide support for Glow Blogs. I like Blogs.


I used the embed code copied from slideshare:

[slideshare id=10543066&doc=31interestingwaystouseaudioinyourclass-111210091035-phpapp01]


This is a quick example of how to use the slideshare embed code. You can upload PowerPoints and other presentations to to share. These can then be embedded.

As always if you have not done so:

  1. Activate The Jetpack plugin
  2. Turn on the shortcode module.

To find the code to embed a slideshare slideshow:

  1. Visit the page on slideshare.
  2. Click the Share button
  3. Copy the WordPress shortcode
  4. In the post or page editor of your blog paste in the code. When the post or post is published and viewed the slideshow will be embedded like the one above.


Continue reading Slideshare

Shortcode Presentation

This slideshow could not be started. Try refreshing the page or viewing it in another browser.

I an not sure how often this would be useful in practise. You need to be happy writing square brackets and slashed around your text, but it produced a reasonable presentation.

You can move through the slides with arrow keys, or hover over from buttons and a button to ‘full-screen’ the slideshow.

Here is a screenshot of the editor for this post:

Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 14.15.42


A Tweet

Classic Editor Paste in the link to a tweet. Block editor add the twitter block.

You can get a bit more control with a shortcode.

The Block Editor allow you to unroll a series of tweets to display a thread.

A Timeline

Due to updated to Twitter’s API you can no longer use the twitter widget to embed your timeline. This is due to changed made by Twitter (now X)

Twitter has blocked free access to the API so timelines no longer work.

[twitter-timeline username=johnjohnston]

Shortcode – archive

The [[archive]] shortcode will produce a list of posts:

There are lots of options:

[archives format=option  limit=12] gives a popup menu:

Archives Shortcode — Support — gies more details of all the options.

YouTube Video

Just paste in a youtube url and the player is embedded.

You can also paste in the embed code from YouTube and it will be converted to a shortcode, this is handy if you want to customise the video size or other options. For example avoid showing related videos.

Alternatively you can add ?rel=0 after the url before pasting it in:

Which will hide related videos.

Or which allows you to control the dimensions.

If you are wanting to do more than embed one or two videos you might find the Embed Plus for YouTube plugin handy.

Embed Plus for YouTube