Primary Social Studies Skills: Loch Lomond 20th June


Registration is now live for a place on the Social Studies skills day at Luss and Loch Lomond Shores

To register, please sign up here:

Education Scotland has teamed up with Loch Lomond National Park to offer a second day of professional learning for Primary practitioners, to help improve confidence using Social Studies Skills in the outdoors.   

The day is for primary teachers only and there are 14 free places. A packed lunch will also be provided free of charge, but participants will need to make their own travel arrangements to and from Loch Lomond National Park.

You will receive an email to confirm your places once all places have been filled.

The day on the 20th of June will involve visits to ‎Luss and Lomond Shores to look at how the area can be used to explore local history and geography.

Social_studiesTo find out about more upcoming Social Studies skills weekends look here:

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Loch Lomond National Park

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