DYW and Skills

At Castlemilk Day Nursery DYW features as an integral part of the learning and teaching alongside literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing. The Nursery employs a variety of approaches to allow their children to link the skills they are developing to the world of work, challenging gender stereotyping alongside. Through outdoor learning children at Nursery have opportunity to explore and develop a wide variety of transferable skills across all curriculum

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Yokerburn Early Years

Extended day centre within Yoker area of North West Glasgow. Nursery caters for children from 0–5 years from a multitude of cultural, social, economic and learning backgrounds. The establishment has been raising awareness of job roles within local community by working with a range of different partners . This inspires the children and provides an early introduction into the world of work.  The children have been working with a local care home to

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Skills development through outdoor education: Fully funded CPD opportunity

The Outward Bound trust (Loch Eil) is offering a free CPD opportunity to for teachers /practitioners and employers to explore partnership working around skills development and employability .   During a 2 day seminar the team at Loch Eil will demonstrate how the outdoor context can develop core skills relevant in supporting young people to realise their  future aspirations and career pathway.   The seminar will make reference to skills development in relation to the Career

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Developing essential employability skills through outdoor education

Exposing young people to the outdoors and engaging them in activities that challenge and inspire them has long been highlighted as an important component to support the development of skills for learning, life and work.  Resilience , team building, problem-solving as well as acquiring technical skills  all help when it come to preparing for the world of work. This has been highlighted by the recent visit of Jamie Hepburn, Scottish

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Save the Children Resilience Project

  Save the Children are looking for two schools to take part in a resilience project that aims to strengthen children’s understanding of emergencies and the actions they can take to prepare themselves, their families and their communities.  Click here for more information on the project .  It is aimed at children aged 9 – 11 and participating schools will be given a £1000 budget. You can also contact Graham

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Community resilience networking event May 2016

Friday 13th, unlucky for some but not for us last month, when resilience professionals and education colleagues met to discuss how they could work together, to ensure our children and young people would be best prepared for the challenges they may face in the 21st Century as a result of a change in Scotland’s climate.  To find out what was discussed, click here Conference Report May 2016.  To have your say in

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Enterprise in Early Learning and Childcare

One of the ambitions of Scotland CAN DO is “to achieve an education system with entrepreneurship and innovation at its core.” This ambition does not begin with secondary, or even primary schools – early learners can get involved too! Scotland’s Enterprising Schools is a new resource available for educational practitioners to inspire enterprising and entrepreneurial learning across the curriculum.  The resource was developed in partnership with Education Scotland and the

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Looking to go to college, university, get an apprenticeship or perhaps start your own business? To celebrate our 75th anniversary, The Outward Bound Trust has made a limited number of scholarships available to any young person that would like to take part in The Outward Bound Skills for Life Award in summer 2016 and 2017. The Skills for Life Award is an exciting 19 day adventure which takes place during

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Professional learning workshops from OPAL, SEPA and Ricardo Energy

Free professional learning workshops available for practitioners at Hillpark Secondary School, Glasgow on 25th November 4 – 6pm. Come along and learn about air pollution, how to use data about air quality in your classes and finding indicator species such as lichen in your local area! Sign up using our simple survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AirQualityCPD

Get outside and Get Learning!

Want to get outside and start finding out about the environment around you? These brand new professional learning videos from Scotland’s Environment are a great place to start. With information for practitioners and learners, they provide a step-by-step guide on how to measure soil pH, look for invertebrates in your local pond, sample small mammal populations and more! They are all part of an exciting new resource available from Scotland’s

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