After completing trimester 2, I decided again to create a table to record my strengths and areas for development. (2)Reflection on Maths for Understanding
Reflection on Maths for Understanding Trimester One
After completing trimester one of the Maths for Understanding module I created a table so I could record my strengths and weaknesses so far and the steps I need to take to improve.
Ideology and Prejudices (06/03/17 & 13/03/17)
I feel as future teachers it is important that we can define and recognise ideologies and prejudices. It is our job to provide the future generations with this knowledge to avoid discrimination as it is likely there will be children from various backgrounds in the classroom.
Last week in Societies and Lifestyles we were focusing on Ideology and Prejudice. In the lecture, we discussed the definitions and theories of Ideology and Prejudice and examined examples. I now feel that I have a much deeper understanding of both ideologies and prejudices. We also discussed the differences between a micro world and a macro world. We then proceeded to the tutorial which consisted of group work in which we answered exam-like questions. Finally, for the independent study task we were to explain several issues related to your learning today. I found this extremely beneficial as it put the notes and knowledge we had learned into context.
This week we focused on society and youth culture. In the lecture, we discussed the meaning of Culture and Society particularly youth culture. I enjoyed learning about how youth culture and society interact. We also examined case studies and 4 different theorists: Piaget, Erikson, Kohlberg and Maslow. For the tutorial, we took part in group work which we answered exam-like questions. For the independent task, we were to compile a definition and write an explanation/description for each relating to yourself and relate to a case study. I found this very beneficial.
Stress Hardiness
There are many factors that can contribute to poor health. Upon reading the Pengilly & Dowd (2000) article on Stress Hardiness I discovered the main 5 factors that can negatively impact a person’s health: Normative and non-normative transitions, lack of social support, loneliness and lack of human contact.
Firstly, normative life transitions which are major life events that are predictable such as moving house, moving in with a partner and retirement. These changes, since they were planned or expected, cause some stress but does not cause long term damage as opposed to non-normative transitions. These are life events which are unpredictable for example unemployment or divorce. These events can have a massive impact on a person’s life and can cause increase stress levels which can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease. Another factor that can negatively affect someone’s health is a lack of social support. Having a person when they need someone to talk to can be extremely beneficial and lower stress levels. This can be a family member, friend, colleague, support/religious group or a professional. If someone does not have that support, then they will not receive encouragement and will increase the pressure they put on themselves. This can cause low self-confidence and depression which can lead to a low life expectancy. This links to the next factor: loneliness. Following the lecture, we determined that being alone and being lonely can mean two different things. Being alone does not mean one is lonely, it means one is by one’s self. However lonely means a person a person feels alone even though they could be surrounded by people. This can have a negative effect on a person and lead to risky behaviours such as alcohol and drug abuse and can lead to metal illnesses such as depression. The final factor I am going to discuss is lack of human contact which is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. This can vary from a hug or a simple pat on the back and can reduced blood pressure and stress levels. If someone is lacking in human touch, then they cannot receive the advantages.
However, in the lecture we discussed methods to cope with the stress including exercising, getting enough sleep, balancing your time well and developing close relationships with positive people. These can all be carried out daily and can contribute to a healthier, less stressful lifestyle.
Holmes-Rahe Inventory : Reflection on my score
After totalling up the major events that I have experienced in my life. Overall, I scored 159 which equates to the implication that there is a 50% chance of a major health breakdown in the next two years.
At first glance I was quite shocked and felt my heart sink as the thought of having a 50% chance of a major breakdown before I turned twenty was quite distressing. However, when I look at my score there were only a few factors –according to the scale- that contributed to it. On one hand, noticed that I am only 9 points over the score of 150 which would’ve landed me in the category of low amount of life change. And on the other, feel like the scale does not take into account the severity of some of these impacts and does not have any mention of exams or university work.
I feel most of my stress relates to maintaining a work/life balance with the demands of university and the desire to have a social life too. Within the last year, I have begun university which has proved intense and comes with a lot of pressure but I feel I am coping well with the workload at this point and I am continuing to ensure I have social time.
As we head towards exam time, I will have to begin studying more frequently. However, I also plan on taking leisure breaks to alleviate any unnecessary stress. In the past I have dissolved into tears of frustration because of exam stress but I feel that this task has helped me identify the areas I find stressful and given me strategies to avoid this.
Are Scottish People “unhealthy”?
Are Scottish people unhealthy? It is a fair question. In a country famed for snacks like shortbread, tablet and deep fried mars bars (disgusting, I know) and drinks like Irn Bru it would be understandable to assume that Scottish people are unhealthy. Studies show 97.5 per cent of Scots are likely to be either cigarette smokers, heavy drinkers, fat, have a bad diet, and never do any exercise. This has gained us the unlucky title of the “Sick Man” of Europe. Our own culture has given us this title.
Perhaps the blame cannot be placed on our culture. The government recognised that Scottish Primary Schools should have two hours per week and two periods per week form S1-S4. But is this enough and does pupils continue to exercise after S4? Perhaps if Gym memberships and diet plans were cheaper more people would indulge in these advantages. Perhaps it has become too convenient for us to rush to fast food restaurants or order take away meals. There are many factors that could have led to Scotland becoming known as the “Sick Man” of Europe. Relating to my previous blog post, the Glasgow effect might come into play here. The Glasgow Effect states that people from deprived areas of Glasgow and surrounding areas suffer from poor health and early death.
However, is it fair to generalize and say Scottish people are unhealthy? Personally, I don’t think so. It is impossible to say all Scottish people are unhealthy. In my small hometown alone there are at least four Gyms and weekly weight watchers meetings as well as numerous woodland walks and access to a running track. Even gaming consoles, namely the Nintendo Wii, has exercising games such as Wii Sport and Wii fit. So, is there any reason for Scots lacking in exercise? Maybe not.
Therefore, I don’t think that one can say for definite that Scottish people are unhealthy as it is just another generalisation like all Scots wear kilts and chase haggis. For me, it is impossible to give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer but I do believe as a nation we can become more healthy if we cut down on cigarette smoking, binge drinking and eating fatty/unhealthy foods and exercise more often.
The Glasgow Effect
The Glasgow Effect
The Glasgow Effect refers to the poor health levels in the Scottish city of Glasgow and its surrounding areas compared to other cities in the UK and Europe. However, both Manchester and Liverpool suffer from similar statistics.
As part of our Society and Lifestyle input we were to read a document titled ‘The Glasgow Effect’ which explores the causes of Glasgow’s unusually high death rate and the link with social deprivation. From reading the document, I gathered that the mortality rates in Glasgow are increasing high and found that deaths in under 65’s is 30% higher in Glasgow and in all deaths Glasgow is 14% higher than similarly deprived areas Liverpool and Manchester. I was most shocked to discover that the suicide rate in Glasgow is 70% higher than other UK cities!
We must ask ourselves if our own culture has a role in these high statistics. On further reading I found that the use of illegal drugs and binge drinking are higher in social deprived areas in Scotland which can be linked to the increasing death rate also. Scots are also known for their poor health including poor diets and lack of exercise which can attribute to illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease as well as obesity.
Overall, the fact that Scotland – and Glasgow in particular – has a shorter life expectancy than the rest of the UK and Europe appalling. In order to change this, we need to analyse our choices (including our diets and exercising habits) and alter our lifestyles.
Society and Lifestyle – Inclusion and Diversity
The last two society and lifestyle inputs have focused on Inclusion and Diversity.
Two weeks ago, in the Society and Lifestyle module we addressed the question what does ‘Inclusion and Diversity’. In the lecture, we explored the definitions of the words ‘inclusion’ and ‘diversity’ and the impact this has within communities. I found this very interesting however I will need to do some further academic reading to deepen my knowledge on the subject. For the guided independent task, we were to answer questions provided by our lecture. I feel this task was fairly rushed and we didn’t have much tie with the lecturer to ask questions or clarify what was expected from the task. I enjoyed the tutorial seminar. We examined the poem ‘From Prejudice to Genocide: Learning about the Holocaust’. Having studied Germany in advanced higher history, I had already come across this poem. However, I had never examined the poem in depth. I found the poem very powerful and enjoyed exploring how the poem conveys inequality and how this issue can affect anyone, even today. I enjoyed yesterday’s input and will take part in further reading to clarify any confusion but I am looking forward to next week’s input.
Last week’s lecture focused on disability. Throughout our careers in teaching there is a large possibility we will come across a pupil – or parents – who have a disability and therefore we must have a deep understanding and awareness of disability. We looked at the definition and attitudes towards disability as well as study the Disability Act Movement which I found very interesting. In the Focus on disability Seminar we were to work in groups and consider different scenarios and discuss whether pupils had been treated unfavourably or had been discriminated against. It was interesting to see the differing opinions within the groups and the connections people had made with their own school experience.
Having attended both a primary and secondary school which had a supported learning centre, I had a very different experience from others in my group. I come from an area which has a school for children with severe disabilities as well as a centre for adults with severe disabilities and have therefore grew up with an understanding of disability within the community. I feel that it is important that every child is provided with an understanding of a disability as it is now more common in the school environment.
Overall, I found these inputs very interesting and understand most of the concepts discussed within class but will continue to do some further reading to deepen my own understanding.
Religion, Culture and “Unchurched Spirituality”
I enjoyed this week’s Society and Lifestyle lecture, tutorial and independent and found it interesting however I also felt that it was slightly confusing.
During the lecture and individual study tasks, we explored new scholars and their theories of religion in society. We also deepened our knowledge on religions impact on society and vice versa and were also introduced to a new term: “unchurched spirituality” and examined the characteristics of “unchurched spirituality”. I found the lecture and individual study task enjoyable and beneficial.
However, I felt the tutorial group task was a bit confusing. In groups, we were to examine a question and devise a plan on how we would answer that particular question. Due to the way the question was phrased, there was some confusion amongst the group of what the question was actually asking. I am glad that we received clarification on this as it will now aid us in the exam if a similar question should come up.
Overall, I enjoyed this input as it has again given me a deeper understanding to the effects of different religions. To enhance my knowledge further I will indulge in further academic reading.
Religion, Diversity and Society
This week’s input opened my eyes to the many differing opinions and definitions of ‘Religion’. I have always been fascinated by religion and enjoy learning about different religions and cultures worldwide. RME was not a subject I was offered and school and therefore I feel that this module will give me a deeper insight and understanding into religion and its impact on society.
Through this week’s lecture, Religious diversity was defined and well as the positive and negative effects that they have within society. I was unaware beforehand the extent of religious diversity within Scotland (I was especially surprised to find that close to 12,000 people in Scotland stated they were dedicated to the religion of the Jedi Knights!) After seeing these statistics, it is clear that within a classroom there will be children from numerous different religious background and it important that we, as student teachers and future educators, acknowledge this.
We were also introduced to the different Functionalists and their theories. I also found it interesting researching and learning about functionalists of religion and their differing opinions. It was interesting to see the common functions within religion identified by these four scholars: M.F.C. Bourdillon; Emile Durkheim; A.R. Radcliffe-Brown; Bronislaw Malinowski. I found the tutorial task very beneficial. In smaller groups, we discussed how we might answer a specific question within the exam. This allowed us to expand and share one another’s ideas as well as clarify how we would set out the question.
I found it difficult to research and find valid information on the Functionalists we had discussed within class. I am aware that there are resources on Moodle but I will begin to explore other resources for information such as online journals and books. Hopefully this will aid me in future inputs and in the final exam! Overall I enjoyed this class and I am thoroughly looking forward to next week’s input.