Category Archives: Religion and culture

Religion, Culture and “Unchurched Spirituality”

I enjoyed this week’s Society and Lifestyle lecture, tutorial and independent and found it interesting however I also felt that it was slightly confusing.

During the lecture and individual study tasks, we explored new scholars and their theories of religion in society. We also deepened our knowledge on religions impact on society and vice versa and were also introduced to a new term: “unchurched spirituality” and examined the characteristics of “unchurched spirituality”. I found the lecture and individual study task enjoyable and beneficial.

However, I felt the tutorial group task was a bit confusing. In groups, we were to examine a question and devise a plan on how we would answer that particular question. Due to the way the question was phrased, there was some confusion amongst the group of what the question was actually asking. I am glad that we received clarification on this as it will now aid us in the exam if a similar question should come up.

Overall, I enjoyed this input as it has again given me a deeper understanding to the effects of different religions. To enhance my knowledge further I will indulge in further academic reading.