Author Archives: Ciara Morris

Why I want to be a teacher…

There is one prominent reason as to why I decided to become a Primary teacher. Growing up as an only child I loved when i got to play with other children. When I went to my first childminders I was disappointed to find all the children were substantially younger than me. I then found after a few months that I loved this, every day when i arrived at the childminders i would take great delight in looking after all the younger ones, especially helping them with they’re homework.

I was 12 when i left this childminders and at this point i knew i wanted to be a Primary school teacher. Throughout high school this was only confirmed as i took place in activities with the younger years and eventually work experience in a primary school. During this work experience i was finally able to experience what it was like to do the career i had been so set on for almost 6 years and it lived up to all my expectations.