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Internet Safety

Many pupils use the internet regularly.  This could be in the classroom under the watchful eye of the teacher as part of an ICT lesson or it could be at home, chatting to friends and family on social media.  It is important for children to understand why they need to stay safe on-line and how they can do this.   The Scottish Curriculum for Excellence include this as an important learning outcome.

I am developing my knowledge and use of safe and acceptable conduct as I use different technologies to interact and share experiences, ideas and information with others.

TCH 1-08a / TCH 2-08a

I have created a short video using Youtube and Animoto to demonstrate that I am developing my own digital technology skills that could be used as part of an ICT lesson in a primary classroom.


A you can see from the video above,  pupils who are possibly using social media may not be aware of how they behave on-line could impact their safety.  They may not know how to keep their on-line profile safe or private.  Charities such as The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children are recognising that this is becoming a serious  issue and have teamed up with mobile network 02 to address the issue by educating children and families through free on-line safety workshops.

The Department of Education have now put in safety measures to protect pupils whilst they are in school.

All schools will be required to put in place strengthened measures to protect children from harm online – including cyber bullying, pornography and the risk of radicalisation – under plans unveiled by Education Secretary Nicky Morgan today (22 December 2015).

Department for Education and The Rt Hon Nicky Morgan (2015) New measures to keep children safe online at school and at home. Available at: (Accessed: 18 January 2016).

Internet safety is being promoted through Education, charity and the Government.  This will all help towards developing young childrens’ digital skills and awareness in a world that is becoming increasingly more connected through on-line forums and social media.