Guth nan Sgoilear | Pupil Voice

Guth nan Sgoilear | Pupil Voice

Mar sgoil, tha sinn a’ cur luach mòr air tabhartasan na sgoilearan againn ann a bhith a’ cur ris a’ choimhearsnachd sgoile againn.  Tha sinn ag aithneachadh gur iad na sgoilearan a bhios mar cheannardan san àm ri teachd agus mar sin, bidh sinn a’ toirt raon farsaing de chothroman do na sgoilearan againn na sgilean ceannardais aca a leasachadh.

As a school, we recognise and value the active role which children can have in shaping our school community positively.  We recognise that our children are the leaders of the future and therefore provide a range of opportunities for children to develop their leadership skills. 

All our pupils (from P1-P7) are involved in one of our five Pupil Voice groups, linked to our School Values, and supported by a member of staff.

These groups are:

      • Na Daoine Dìcheallach – with Mrs Richardson – focus on United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
      • Na Daoile Uile Urramach – with Mrs Bowman – focus on Gaelic Language development
      • Na Cuidichean Coibhneil – with Miss MacLeod – focus on fostering kindness and whole school development
      • Na Caraidean Cruthachail – with Miss MacVicar – focus on developing a Growth Mindset
      • Na h-Oidean Onarach – with Miss Macaulay – focus on relationships and Anti-bullying

Each academic year, pupils are given a platform to express their views of their school to help shape our improvement. We encourage all of our pupils to embrace the wide range of leadership opportunities available to them, enabling them to develop as individuals, as a community and to grow the school as a whole.

We strive to develop confident and articulate leaders who can share their views to any audience and apply their leadership skills to real life situations.

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