Còmhairle nam Pàrant | Parent Council

Còmhairle nam Pàrant | Parent Council

Tha Còmhairle nam Pàrant làidir againn a bhios a’ riochdachadh coimhearsnachd nam pàrantan againn.  Tha fàilte air pàrantan sam bith na coinneamhan a fhrìthealadh.  Gheibh sibh leth-bhreac de mionaidean bho choinneamhan bhon oifis.

We have an active Parent Council that represents the views of all parents. All parents are welcome to attend Parent Council meetings and can become members at the AGM in September. Parent Council minutes are available on request from the school office.

Our school works very hard to include parents in the life of the school and we encourage them to participate in many different activities and events.

Our current Parent Council Chairperson is Lee Taylor-Harris, Treasurer is Cheryl Mundt, and Secretary is Kirsty Lamb.  Contact can be made with Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig a’ Challtainn’s Parent Council via their email address: negaelic@gmail.com

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