Movies can be beneficial for classrooms and as the Scottish Government states ’‘There is conclusive evidence that digital equipment, tools and resources can, where effectively used, raise the speed and depth of learning in science and mathematics for primary and secondary age learners’ (Scottish Government, 2015).
As a learner, movie making abled us to work in teams which made it more fun and engaging, once elaborated it then turned into a cinema setting where we were handed popcorn and juice etc which is something that can be incorporated into lesson preparation.
As an educator doing this programme it showed me that Movie Making can be used throughout many curricular areas such as Health and Wellbeing, Numeracy and literacy. It can also help children develop practical and functional skills, critical thinking skills, awareness of e-safety, collaboration skills, ability to find and select information, effective communication and finally creativity.
The curriculum for Excellence suggests that first and second level enables the child to “extend and enhance [my] knowledge of features of various types of software, including those which help find, organise, manage and access information, I can apply what I learn in different situations” (TCH 1-03a/TCH 2-03a).
The Scottish Government (2015) Literature Review on the Impact of Digital Technology on Learning and Teaching. [Online] [Accessed: 5.2.18]
CFE Technologies: Experiences and Outcomes