2.1.3 Have knowledge and understanding of planning coherent and progressive teaching programmes / 3.1.1 Plan coherent, progressive and stimulating teaching programmes which match learners’ needs and abilities

2.1 Curriculum / 3.1 Teaching and Learning Target: 2.1.3 Have knowledge and understanding of planning coherent and progressive teaching programmes. Target: 3.1.1 Plan coherent, progressive and stimulating teaching programmes which match learners’ needs and abilities. Rationale: “Recognition of the powerful active nature of … Continue reading

2.1 Curriculum /
3.1 Teaching and Learning

Target: 2.1.3 Have knowledge and understanding of planning coherent and progressive teaching programmes.
Target: 3.1.1 Plan coherent, progressive and stimulating teaching programmes which match learners’ needs and abilities.


“Recognition of the powerful active nature of our selective attention makes it very clear why it is vital that activities intended to help young children must first and foremost interest them, intrigue them and be personally relevant for them” (Whitebread, 2002, pp.123—124).

“How do I divide time, resources, and myself so that I am an effective catalyst for maximising talent in all my students?” (Tomlinson, 2014, p.2)

To be an effective teacher, lessons must be relevant and accessible to all learners. During this placement I would like to enhance my skills in providing this experience.


Professional Actions:

  • 2.1.3:
    • Know how to plan for effective teaching and learning across different contexts and experiences;
    • Know and understand how to justify what is taught within the curricular areas in relation to the curriculum and the relevance to the needs of all learners.
  • 3.1.1:
    • Plan appropriately for effective teaching and in order to meet the needs of all learners, including learning in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and skills for learning, life and work.


Action Plan

Week 1 – Planning

  • Revisit lesson planning inputs from class;
  • Seek class teacher’s feedback on my lesson planning.

Week 2 – Planning

  • Reflect on peer’s feedback on my lesson planning.

Week 3 – Relevant Planning

  • Engage in wider reading around contextualisation;
  • Seek to apply context to a lesson planned for this week.

Week 4 – Relevant Planning

  • Engage in wider reading around progression;
  • Reflect on my Week 1-2 Maths lessons and consider how progression could have been improved;

Week 5 – Relevant Planning for All Learners

  • Engage in wider reading around differentiation;
  • Differentiate a lesson this week, pitched correctly for all leaners’ abilities.

Week 6 — Relevant Planning for All Learners

  • Research life skills development appropriate to P4;
  • Embed at least one life skill development into a lesson this week.



Week 1

  • I referred to all of the lesson planning inputs before writing my own plans. This was particularly helpful in establishing rationale.
  • The class teacher provided very positive verbal feedback on the plan I shared with her. She considered it to be comprehensive, clear and well thought out. The learning intentions, success criteria and assessment were considered to be appropriate.

Week 2

  • The feedback from my peer suggested including more detail in the Rationale/Context areas. I will work with the Class Teacher to develop this during Week 3 and gain a sound understanding of context and prior learning that I can demonstrate in this section.
  • My peer also suggested that my introduction was focussed on recap and could be more exciting. I will take this on board.
  • I will work towards making my Success Criteria as specific as possible in response to my peer’s feedback.

Target: 3.2.2 Develop positive relationships and positive behaviour strategies.

3.2 Classroom Organisation and Management Target: 3.2.2 Develop positive relationships and positive behaviour strategies. Rationale: “Pupil-teacher relationships are a vital part of the effective teaching/learning cycle” (Lawrence, 2009, p.60). “[T]eacher-student relationships characterized by empathy, warmth, congruence, and trust are strong … Continue reading

3.2 Classroom Organisation and Management

Target: 3.2.2 Develop positive relationships and positive behaviour strategies.


“Pupil-teacher relationships are a vital part of the effective teaching/learning cycle” (Lawrence, 2009, p.60).

“[T]eacher-student relationships characterized by empathy, warmth, congruence, and trust are strong predictors of success” (Rogers, Lyon & Tausch, 2013, p.119).

The relationship between teachers and pupils is vital because of the inter-personal nature of teaching. Therefore, I wish to develop my skills over the next six weeks in exploring ways to enhance relationship and foster the most effective learning culture possible.


Professional Actions:

  • Demonstrate care and commitment to working with all learners;
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators;
  • Show awareness of educational research and local and national advice, and demonstrate ability to use a variety of strategies to build relationships with learners, promote positive behaviour and celebrate success;
  • Apply the school’s positive behaviour policy, including strategies for understanding and preventing bullying;
  • Know how and when to seek the advice of colleagues in managing behaviour;
  • Demonstrate the ability to justify the approach taken in managing behaviour.


Action Plan

Week 1

  • Purposefully engage in relationship-building dialogue with every pupil in the class;
  • Access and understand the school’s positive behaviour policy;
  • Read and reflect on Chapter 7 of Kyriacou (2009).

Week 2

  • Revise the Wellbeing Indicators material from the 2015 lectures;
  • Revise Government policy and documentation on GIRFEC and the Wellbeing Indicators;
  • Plan to promote each of the Wellbeing Indicators during this placement during Week 3.

Week 3

  • Promote each of the Wellbeing Indicators as per Week 2 plans;
  • Reflect on the implementation, and consider next steps;
  • Discuss experience with class teacher.

Week 4

  • Reflect on educational research on celebrating success;
  • Reflect on local and national advice on celebrating success;
  • Embed a success-celebrating opportunity into at least one class lesson this week;
  • Reflect with learners and the class teacher on the effectiveness of this experience.

Week 5

  • Ensure I know the 4 R’s of behaviour relevant to the class;
  • Revise Claire’s behaviour lecture from Feb 2016;
  • Reflect on educational research on promoting positive behaviour;
  • Reflect on local and national advice on promoting positive behaviour.

Week 6

  • Undertake the Behaviour Checklists available on Moodle;
  • Reflect on Chapter 8 of Kyriacou (2009) & Unit 3.4 of Arthur & Cremin (2010);
  • Justify the behaviour management approached I’ve used during this placement.



Week 1

  • I spoke to every pupil one-to-one over the course of the week, except one who was absent. Pupils responded positively to this and were very willing to engage in conversation. I was particularly conscious of doing so after any sanctions were required.
  • I discussed the positive behaviour policy with the class teacher. Though the threat of sanctions is sometimes necessary, the classroom operates a much more effective positive reinforcement strategy. I was able to use this effectively during the week to reward effort and behaviour, individually and collectively. Pupils responded very well to this and engaged with me at the same level as the class teacher in this respect.
  • Kyriacou (2009) discusses:
    • Two aspects of positive relationship being acceptance of authority and mutual respect and rapport. The former was encouraged this week through point 2 above, and also from my taking on classroom organisation duties from the class teacher, such as the register, dinner money collection, and so on. Over the course of the week I felt I became much more established as an authority figure. The latter was developed through informal conversation through point 1 above.
    • Authority is split into status, competence, control over the classroom and control over discipline. I feel I developed in all of these areas:
      • Status – I consider myself to have appeared relaxed and self-assured; I exercised the rights of status by moving around, initiating and terminating conversations etc.; I communicated in a way that suggested I expected my will be adhered to.
      • Competence – I demonstrated a sound knowledge of everything I taught; I feel I was enthusiastic and interested about my lessons; the activities relating to my lessons were effective (based on engagement of learners and evidence of learning).
      • Classroom control – This was generally improving over the course of the week. I was able to silence the class when I was speaking, moreso when this was more frequent and I had a purpose in mind; I minimised disruption; I made decisions and stuck to them.
      • Discipline control – Based on the advice of the class teacher I was firm with pupils we identified as ‘testing’ my authority; I occasionally threatened sanctions where necessary but there was no need to impose them; I was able to use eye contact and gesture to manage behaviour.

Week 2

  • I noted, from the 2015 series of lectures, that the Wellbeing Indicators are “fundamental” to GIRFEC “to support a holistic view of the child[‘s]… progress” (Scottish Government, 2014a), thus this is an essential area to focus on.
  • I further noted that “health and wellbeing are now seen as key responsibilities of all educators across the curriculum, along with literacy and numeracy” (Axford, Blyth & Schepens, 2010, p.5), therefore I should be well-placed to establish positive wellbeing behaviour with literacy and numeracy as core elements of my placement remit.
  • My review of Scottish Government policy showed that the indicators must be satisfied in order for a child to achieve the four capacities. This again underpins the need for holistic assessment (Scottish Government, 2010).
  • Within the school’s own policy, I noted:
    • The school is part of the ‘Nurturing North Ayshire’ scheme, with a focus on inclusion. Wellbeing needs by using a nurturing approach is the responsibility of all staff, supported through:
      • Nurture: with values promoted in school where children can say ‘We are listened to, ‘We know we are valued’, ‘We belong’.
      • Rights Respecting Schools: with the positive behaviour strategy tied to UNESCO UHCRC materials;
      • Restorative Practice: building and maintaining relationships and repairing the harm of wrongdoing.
    • The school is currently focussing on ‘Nurtured’ and ‘Included’ as these are areas their audit indicated they need to work on (Whitehirst Park Primary School, 2015).
    • The local authority defines the Wellbeing Indicators as “a common language to describe a child’s needs and identify concerns. These are designed to encourage practitioners to think about a child holistically and not just focus on one area of their functioning” (North Ayrshire Integrated Children’s Service Partnership, 2012).
  • The following elements of the Wellbeing Indicators will be embedded into my Week 3 teaching – [taken from Scottish Government (2014b)].
    • Safe: does not experience bullying behaviour or discrimination by peers or adults at school; does not experience bullying behaviour or discrimination in the local community; adopts safe practices and acts responsibly in potentially high-risk situations [from discussion in the novel study];
    • Healthy, Included and Respected: has emotional and developmental needs which are not neglected; has a well-developed sense of self-esteem and self respect; has a well-developed sense of identity and belonging; feels loved and trusted [through check-in session];
    • Achieving: Is a successful learner, confident individual, responsible citizen and effective contributor; is developing independence or autonomy; literacy and numeracy skills are developing; all children and young people have an entitlement to a curriculum which they experience as a coherent whole, with smooth and well paced progression through the Experiences and Outcomes [throughout, with opportunities for personalisation and choice, contributions and progression);
    • Nurtured: feels loved and trusted; has emotional and developmental needs which are not neglected; receives regular praise and encouragement [via check in and deliberate opportunity to praise all learners through two stars and a wish];
    • Active: is as physically active as his or her capacities permit; responds positively to physical challenges in recreational and play-related settings [through active Numeracy & Mathematics lesson];
    • Responsible: follow simple rules and instructions and begin to internalise them [through reinforcement of positive behaviour policy]

Enhancing Digital Technology

Would you accept children being failed to be educated on maths or language?  Although they are being brought up/growing up surrounded by it and to have a successful, positive experience within and out with school they must have developing knowledge and skills of these subjects.  I’m assuming your answers would be no, therefore, why do […]

Would you accept children being failed to be educated on maths or language?  Although they are being brought up/growing up surrounded by it and to have a successful, positive experience within and out with school they must have developing knowledge and skills of these subjects.  I’m assuming your answers would be no, therefore, why do […]

Classroom Organisation and Management

Benchmark Statement: 3.2.2 Develop positive relationships and positive behaviour strategies Rationale: It is important to have positive relationships with a class as this creates a better learning environment. I feel that from working with the class on my serial days … Continue reading

Benchmark Statement:

3.2.2 Develop positive relationships and positive behaviour strategies


It is important to have positive relationships with a class as this creates a better learning environment. I feel that from working with the class on my serial days I have built the foundations of positive relationships with some children in the class but would like to develop positive relationships with all the children. The class teacher demonstrated a range of positive behaviour strategies during my serial days and exploring some of these will give me a better understanding and help me to enforce them when I am teaching the class.

Expected Features:

  1. Demonstrate care and commitment to working with all learners;
  2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of wellbeing indicators;
  3. show awareness of educational research and local and national advice, and demonstrate the ability to use a variety of strategies to build relationships with learners, promote positive behaviour and celebrate success;
  4. apply the school’s positive behaviour policy, including strategies for understanding and preventing bullying;
  5. know how and when to seek the advice of colleagues in managing behaviour;
  6. demonstrate the ability to justify the approach taken in managing behaviour.

Action Plan:

Before starting placement, I will familiarise myself with behaviour management strategies that can be used in the classroom and find academic readings to reflect on throughout my placement. I will note down some questions to ask the class teacher during my first week, e.g. behaviour issues in the class, bullying, children with additional support needs etc.

Week 1

I will read pages 101-111 titled ‘The Teacher’s Authority and Mutual Repect and Raport’ from chapter 7 (Relationships with Pupils) in the book ‘Effective Teaching in Schools – Theory and Practice’ by Kyriacou. This will give me a basic understanding of some of the ways teachers build relationships with pupils and techniques for behaviour management.

I will observe the class teacher and note what her approach is to behaviour management. I will try to mirror these techniques when working with the class, until I have the confidence with my own behaviour management skills.

I will learn the children’s names and observe their behaviours and attitudes in the classroom.

Week 2

I know that the class teacher uses some of the approaches by Jeff Battle (Whole Brain Teaching) in the classroom for behaviour management. I will research these this week and also observe and reflect on their effectiveness in the classroom. I will discuss these with the class teacher and ask for her views about how effective this method is.

When working with groups in the class I will observe their behaviour and how they respond to someone other than their class teacher giving them instructions. I am aware that student teachers sometimes struggle to gain the respect of children as they do not see them as proper teachers. I will pay close attention to my behaviour as well and ensure that I am serious and professional.

I will also ask the class teacher about children in the class who have additional support needs and what support they require to have the same opportunities as the rest of the class.

Week 3

I will read chapter 1.2: Professionalism and trainee teachers from the book ‘Learning to Teach in the Primary School’ by Arthur and Cremin particularly focussing on the section about relationships with children. I will reflect on my relationship with the class and ask the class teacher for feedback.

Week 4

I will focus on the wellbeing indicators from GIRFEC this week and reflect on how I can ensure all children are achieving these indicators as their teacher. I will read chapter 8.4 ‘Understanding the Teacher’s Pastoral Role’ from Learning to Teach in the Primary School’ by Arthur and Cremin (2006) and compare what is said in this chapter to what the Scottish Government says about a teacher’s role in promoting the wellbeing indicators.

Curriculum and Teaching and Learning

Benchmark Statement: 2.1.3 Have knowledge and understanding of planning coherent and progressive teaching programmes 3.1.1 Plan coherent, progressive and stimulating teaching programmes which match learners’ needs and abilities Rationale: As this is the first placement that will involve me planning … Continue reading

Benchmark Statement:

2.1.3 Have knowledge and understanding of planning coherent and progressive teaching programmes

3.1.1 Plan coherent, progressive and stimulating teaching programmes which match learners’ needs and abilities


As this is the first placement that will involve me planning lessons I think that it is important to focus on planning as I have no experience of this. I hope to develop my lesson planning skills through this placement. Reflecting on my planning ability in this PDP will enable me to identify my strengths and weaknesses and track my progress. Planning is an important part of all teachers’ work and it is essential that I am able to plan engaging lessons that match the needs and abilities of the children that I am teaching.

Expected Features:

Know how to plan for effective teaching and learning across different contexts and experiences.

Know and understand how to justify what is taught within curricular areas in relation to the curriculum and the relevance to the needs of all learners.

Plan appropriately for effective teaching and in order to meet the needs of all learners, including learning in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and skills for learning, life and work.

Action Plan:

Prior to placement I will read over the information provided by lecturers about planning and do further reading in the two books that were recommended (Effective Teaching in Schools – Kyriacou and Learning to Teach in the Primary School – Arthur and Cremin).

Week 1

In order to teach effectively and engage the class it is important that I plan my lessons in a way that will suit the learners. As I will be teaching groups this week I will focus on engaging the children in these small groups and adapting the learning to suit them.

I will read chapter 4 in ‘Effective Teaching in Schools’ (Kyriacou, 2009) Setting up the Learning Experience.

I will also get to know the children in my class and reflect on the way that they learn at the moment. By observing the class teacher I will be able to get an idea of the pace that individuals in the class learn at.

Week 2

As I hope to have the opportunity to teach cross curricular lessons, this will be my focus this week. Lessons that involve more than one area of the curriculum can be a way to engage learners as it often enables them to connect more with the learning. I will read chapter 4.2 of Learning to Teach in the Primary School (Arthur and Cremin, 2006). I will also observe the class teacher and reflect on ways that she uses cross curricular planning to engage the learners.

Week 3

I will be planning and teaching full class lessons this week and I must be able to differentiate to suit the abilities and needs of all learners in the class. I will discuss ways to do this with my class teacher and also read chapter 6.2 of Learning to Teach in the Primary School (Arthur and Cremin, 2006).

Week 4

As a teacher, it is important that I can provide learners with stimulating and engaging learning experiences. This week I will focus on different ways to engage the class in their learning, for example interactive activities and different styles of learning. As well as discussing this with my class teacher I will read chapter 6 in Effective Teaching in Schools (Kyriacou, 2009) as this is focused on Key Classroom Teaching Qualities and tasks.

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