Disasters PDP

Recently we received an input detailing disasters. It covered the different types of disasters, how countries are affected by them and why they happen. The different types of disasters ranged […]

Recently we received an input detailing disasters. It covered the different types of disasters, how countries are affected by them and why they happen. The different types of disasters ranged […]

My personal Reflections on Placement

Introduction On the week beginning the 31st of October, I had my week of placement in a local primary school and had the privilege of seeing first hand, the many different challenges that come about when it comes to being a teacher.  At the start of the placement I felt very nervous, and was not … Continue reading My personal Reflections on Placement


On the week beginning the 31st of October, I had my week of placement in a local primary school and had the privilege of seeing first hand, the many different challenges that come about when it comes to being a teacher. 

At the start of the placement I felt very nervous, and was not quite sure what to expect as I was getting prepared for the week ahead. But as the days progressed, I began to feel more at ease and could observe the situations which were within the placement tasks that we had been asked to complete. The tasks were useful, as they allowed me to observe real situations within a classroom and gave me a greater understanding of the potential obstacles that I could face later in my career. 

One of the most important things that I learnt during my placement week, is that no matter how much you plan for something, you can never plan enough. This showed me that organisation and structure is a key asset when it comes to being a teacher.


I would say that one of my personal strengths that I discovered more during placement was my variation of pitch and tone when it came to communicating with individuals during the week. I learned that it is necessary to be able to distinguish between communicating with an individual one on one, in a smaller group or when talking to the class. The evidence that I can use to support this idea is that when I spoke to the teacher in private I spoke with a quiet tone and slightly fast pace, whereas when it came to speaking to the pupils in a smaller group I spoke with a much clearer and louder tone and spoke at a much slower pace; to make sure that they understood the activity which was being discussed at the time.

I feel that the way in which you communicate is very important as if you speak too fast for a pupil then they may not understand what is being said. Also, tone can affect the clarity of your speech and thus must be at the right level to help get across the point you are trying to make. 

Area for Improvement

Whilst on placement, I learnt that as an individual, my facial expressions are one of the areas that I feel I could work further upon. I noticed this especially when it came to working within smaller groups, during their activities. I felt personally that I was not using enough facial expressions when it came to getting across both positives and negatives, as they tend to help stress points further. I have never been one to portray my personal feelings using expressions well and tend to just say what I feel instead. 

Action Plan for Improvement

My personal plan is to try and use more facial expressions with other older individuals and gather their feedback. From there I could transfer the skills that I start to strengthen and put them into practice, with the younger individuals from my coaching back in Glasgow, as it will allow provide me a similar situation to teaching in a classroom (although it may not be quite as intense).


This placement was a real eye-opener into what the world of teaching is like and even though it was stressful at times, it gave me a proper feel of what I will be experiencing in my later career, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time. It allowed me to reflect upon my skills and what I need to further improve upon to advance myself as an academic. I feel that if we had more time than a week, then it would allow us to be able to make further observations and learn more about ourselves, however, I understand that it may be difficult to arrange for more than one week. Overall placement has me excited and ready to continue further into this course and the challenges that may come with it.

Reflections on Placement

I can now look back fondly on my first, all too fleeting placement experience as a trainee primary school teacher. I had approached it with a mixture of obvious excitement but slight trepidation. I was assigned to a primary two … Continue reading

I can now look back fondly on my first, all too fleeting placement experience as a trainee primary school teacher. I had approached it with a mixture of obvious excitement but slight trepidation. I was assigned to a primary two … Continue reading

Reflections on Placement.

On the week beginning the 31st of October I went on my first of many weeks of placement within the BA Education course. I went to a small primary school minutes away from me and learned a lot whilst I was there. I really enjoyed my placement and am looking forward to the next one. … Continue reading “Reflections on Placement.”

On the week beginning the 31st of October I went on my first of many weeks of placement within the BA Education course. I went to a small primary school minutes away from me and learned a lot whilst I was there. I really enjoyed my placement and am looking forward to the next one.


I realised that I was more confident at interacting with pupils and staff than I thought I would be. I consistently was able to communicate clearly and loudly enough for pupils to hear and understand what I was saying. In addition to this I also made eye contact with who I was communicating with and used positive body language all week. For example I was not sitting with my arms crossed. As I was in every class in the school throughout the week from nursery all the way to primary 7 I realised that I was able to adapt my language to suit the pupil that I was talking to with ease. The staff within the school were all very welcoming and encouraging which gave me more confidence to push myself outside my comfort zone when communicating and approaching the pupils and other members of staff.

Area of Most Progress

The area that I feel I progressed the most in was simply my confidence. At first I thought that children would rather interact with their own teacher who they are used to rather than me but as the week went on I realised that the pupils also valued my opinion and wanted my help as well. In addition to this I noticed at the beginning of the week that I was not really using hand gestures a lot which may have come across as showing that I was not as enthusiastic as I wanted to show. I worked on this throughout the week and by the Friday I felt as though this had significantly improved, and will continue to improve with the more practice that I get.

Areas Requiring Progress

During the week I had to complete two self evaluations. I found this challenging as it was hard to judge what I had done well and what I had not done well as I can not see myself communicating from an outsiders point of view. However the help of the peer evaluation and advice from teachers assured me I was on the right track with my self evaluation. Furthermore, I had a bad habit of asking pupils a question and not giving them enough time to think of an answer, instead giving them another question to help them answer the initial question. I have learned that it is important to allow children to think and give them time as they can not always come up with an answer straight away.

Action Plan

As my next placement is a long time away I want to work on my communication skills in my everyday life so that when the next placement comes around I am more than prepared to go feeling very confident in my communication skills. In order to do so I think my part-time job will come in very handy as it involves serving customers and also being out on the shop floor welcoming customers and interacting with them. I think this will massively increase my communication skills as I will be able to get a lot of practice with a huge range of people. In addition to this I will also get to practice my communication skills with the upcoming situated communication presentation assignment, which will test my skills in front of an audience, something which I do not have a lot of practice in. The previous points mentioned should help me to strive to be a more effective communicator in the future.



Interdependence PDP and Study task

Interdependence PDP This week we were lucky enough to get a talk from the soil association and visit a dairy farm where we learned in depth the inner workings of a […]

Interdependence PDP This week we were lucky enough to get a talk from the soil association and visit a dairy farm where we learned in depth the inner workings of a […]

Reflection on Placement

Reflection on Placement While on a one week placement in a primary school I was able to engage and learn from the children and staff at the school while I observed staff teaching and children experiencing lessons which allowed them to experience new activities. I was also able to interact and engage with the children … Continue reading Reflection on Placement

Reflection on Placement

While on a one week placement in a primary school I was able to engage and learn from the children and staff at the school while I observed staff teaching and children experiencing lessons which allowed them to experience new activities. I was also able to interact and engage with the children during the lessons.

I was placed in a Primary 6 class in the school where I got to know the children and teacher and begin to see the children’s abilities. It was evident throughout the week that the children were very intellectual however some were able to complete tasks to the best of their abilities whereas others struggled to stay on task as easily. I was also able to learn from the teacher during the week who gave me a background into the children’s learning in school and also observed myself to give me feedback on my strengths in communication and also my areas of development. Some children worked better on computers while others were able to work well writing the activities down. During the week the children engaged in many language and mathematics activities where I was able to see the clear benefit of a partner helping another child can allow both children to learn and understand as the child may explain the concept in a different way from the teacher or another adult and this may be easier for the other child to understand and in result grasp the concept.


Through these experiences I was able to see that a strength of mine is that my pace and structure while speaking with the children is clear and concise which allows the children to fully understand me and take in the information or instructions I am giving them well. I was able to see this through the children’s responses while I was on placement and also with my teacher feeding back to me that while carrying out a group activity I came down to the level of the children and spoke to them in a clear and concise manner which made it easy for the children to understand what it was I was instructing them and asking them to do.


During placement I was able to identify that my main area for development would be maintaining good eye contact when communicating; I was able to identify this as during a group lesson in the IT suite where I was asking the children to log onto their learning websites I was instructing them how to do this and talking them through the steps. However, I recognised that while doing this my back was to some of the children sitting at the group behind me and although they were able to hear my instructions I was not fully engaging and communicating with them by making eye contact with this group of children.


In order to work on this and improve my eye contact while communicating I will work on ensuring to keep my position in the classroom and in the room for the audience I am presenting to that I position myself so that I can see everyone that I am communicating with and am able to make full eye contact with everyone to engage my full audience and communicate well. To conclude, by improving my eye contact and working on my positioning in the classroom I can ensure that I am communicating fully and engaging my audience in the lesson and it will also allow them o engage with myself and the lesson.

Disasters Learning Log

The disasters topic allowed an interesting look into a variety of case studies giving me a far greater understanding into the different types of disasters, real life examples of disaster […]

The disasters topic allowed an interesting look into a variety of case studies giving me a far greater understanding into the different types of disasters, real life examples of disaster and the kind of work that goes into preventing these disasters and into recovering from them after they have taken place. I found Andrews practical science workshop particularly interesting as it offered me a wide range of ideas of potential science experiments to take into case rooms. I feel in the future I would definitely like to use the baking soda volcano with a class to show the impact a volcano can have on an area and equally I was very interested in the activity involving looking into the geology of rocks. While it was particularly disaster focused it was still an interesting activity that I feel children would engage with although with that experiment in mind in particular I would have to be mindful of pupil safety certainly where the use hammers or acid was concerned it might be wiser of this experiment was conducted as a demonstration rather than allow the pupils free rein. These experiments are also incredible useful to give children a practical way to engage with task on recording information, note taking and measuring an taking results. The lectures were also very useful for highlighting the importance of showing children these disasters but not doing it in such a way as to scare them. Before these lectures this was not something I had overly considered but I am now aware of the importance of treating the topic with care. It was also very interesting learn via each case study the difference between how an economically developed or a less economically developed country can react to these disasters and then in turn how places such as Japan have such a good infrastructure and ways of dealing with events such as this that it can make these disasters feel far more controlled than perhaps they would in an LEDC.

I found the micro-teaching and presenting task particularly useful as it sourced me to engage with one specific disaster far more than I would have other wise and then via the presenting process allowed us to share our research and learn far more about each individual kind of disaster than we would have other wise. I particularly now have a wide knowledge of case study on the typhoon Hiayan which hit the Philippines with a diameter of 300 miles and caused major storm surges along the coast line some reaching as high as 15 meters. I also felt this task had particular benefit as it wasn’t assessed so it felt as though we had more free rein to experiment with different ways of presenting and different ideas with out having to worry as much about having to get a good grade out of it. It was good to have a chance to present with out the pressure of it being an assessment.

Interdependence Learning Log

As part of the topic on interdependence we visited a farm and had a lecture from the Scottish soil association. During the farm visit  we were able to see the […]

As part of the topic on interdependence we visited a farm and had a lecture from the Scottish soil association. During the farm visit  we were able to see the benefits of getting to know your food and seeing the conditions in which the animals in which we depend on for our milk at breakfast are currently being reared in. Personally I was very impressed and surprised by how modern the farm was and by how happy all the cows seemed to be. Interdependence was shown through the cows need of grass, hay or other sources of food to survive but then our own need of the cows for milk and beef. Although at first keeping the cows permanently inside seemed slightly cruel however having had it explained that it kept the cows at an ideal temperature and allowed them to regulate their feed to ensure each animal was eating the correct amount it did make a lot of sense and in many ways it makes more sense that they would be happier inside as we have spent many years perfecting inside for ourselves as humans why wouldn’t other animals appreciate the same change. It is definitely the sort of trip I would consider doing with pupils in the future as it really would help them open their eyes to wear their food comes from, the effort that goes into farming it and allow them to get to ask a lot of questions they might have about the process first hand. I know this was certainly very useful for us as university students so I can only begin to imagine how questions pupils would have.

The talk from the soil association was fantastic from a teachers point of view it allowed me to see the variety of ways soil can be incorporated into learning from showing me how to identify different types of soil which could be used to get pupils used to reading charts and graphs and recording information. To the different studies and research task thats could be conducted into the large varieties of soil, how it is formed and the variety of life that it supports. It also helped build on them of interdependence as soil is in many ways one of the building blocks for all life being what allows plants the support and nutrients they need to grow it is many ways the start of the food chain as the the base for all primary organisms.  I feel pupils would also really engage with the hands on learning of getting to go and out and feel and mold different types of soil in order to be able to gage what its consistency and colour is and ergo find its type.

Moving into talking about the group study task on building an infographic this helped bring to light the significance of interdependence mainly via the fishing industry and how dependent a lot of countries are on fish to feed their people. I also felt I learned more about the political aspects and economic aspects of fishing and the amount of work that goes into mapping out fishing arrears to protect areas and different types of sea life. It also gave an excellent opportunity to work with peers and share our learning and findings as we created the infographic and allowed me to gain a wider overall knowledge on the subject.

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