January 31, 2019
by I. Menzies
1 Comment

Two weeks to go! Apply for the Scottish Education Awards

With only 2 weeks remaining, Education Scotland would like to encourage your setting to apply for the Scottish Education Awards so we can celebrate your achievements and share your success with others.

The Scottish Education Awards recognise publicly-funded early learning and childcare settings and schools that have developed a passion and culture of improvement for sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and Learning for Sustainability.

In addition to these categories there are a wide range of other awards available including

  • Digital learning and teaching
  • Raising attainment in numeracy
  • Employability and creativity skills across learning
  • Children and young people’s participation award.

Applicants for each award will have the opportunity to outline how they promote respect, ambition and achievement; improve outcomes for all learners; and tackle inequity. Settings will also have the chance to demonstrate how the relevant theme has been embedded across the life of the setting and the four contexts for learning:

• Ethos and life of the school as a community
• Curriculum areas and subjects
• Interdisciplinary learning
• Opportunities for personal achievement.

If you have interesting practice to share then we are very keen to hear from you. Applications and nominations close at 6pm on Thursday 14 February 2019.

To find out more about the Scottish Education Award categories, and how to apply, visit: 

Download the flyers below:

Scottish Education Awards – Learning for Sustainability Award Flyer 2019

Scottish Education Awards – STEM Award Flyer 2019

December 6, 2018
by I. Menzies

STEM professional learning – Help us get it right for you

Education Scotland and the Scottish Government are inviting practitioners to complete our annual STEM professional learning practitioner survey by 5pm Friday 11th January 2019. The survey is available online:,5ZV9L,LHKCJ0,NIMBW,1

Your response will play a crucial role in shaping the implementation of the STEM Education and Training Strategy. It will also guide key decisions about the national and local support that is provided through our Enhancing Professional Learning in STEM Grants Programme. The information you provide will ensure that practitioners in relevant sectors, and in various geographical locations, have access to high-quality professional learning that meets their needs. It will also help us to track improvements in the provision of professional learning over the lifetime of the STEM Strategy (2017-2022) and will enable us to identify where further support may be required.

Your individual response will not be shared with other organisations. However, the anonymised findings from the survey will be shared widely to ensure transparency and to help STEM partner organisations align their programmes to your priorities.

Who should complete this survey?
School/centre leaders and practitioners in early learning and childcare settings, primary, ASN and secondary schools are being invited to complete this survey. Other staff in these settings are welcome to complete the survey too, including: classroom assistants, school librarians and practitioners who teach in curriculum areas not normally associated with STEM. Please note: a separate survey has been developed by Education Scotland for the community learning and development sector (closes 7 December). A survey specific to school-based technical support staff is being developed by SSERC and the Science Technicians Advisory Council and will be made available from early in 2019.

The annual STEM professional learning survey for early learning and childcare and school practitioners is available online and should take 10-15 minutes to complete:,5ZV9L,LHKCJ0,NIMBW,1

Please find time to complete the survey to help us get the STEM professional learning offer right for you and for colleagues in your setting. Thank you for any support you are able to provide.

November 29, 2018
by User deactivated

Help us to help you make Scotland a STEM nation

Help us track progress in the provision of career-long professional learning in STEM so we can meet your needs and ensure equity of access and provision.

  • Early learning and childcare, ASN, primary and secondary sectors – please complete our annual STEM practitioner survey by 14 January 2019.
  • Community learning and development practitioners – please complete the STEM CLD survey by 7 December 2018.
  • Organisations that provide STEM professional learning – please help us capture your contribution.

November 19, 2018
by User deactivated

Enhancing Scotland’s Professional Learning in STEM: help us to recognise your contribution

Does your organisation provide career-long professional learning support in STEM (sciences, technologies, engineering, mathematics) and digital skills to any or all of the following groups and/or sectors?

  • Early learning and childcare practitioners
  • Primary school practitioners
  • Additional support needs practitioners
  • Classroom assistants
  • Secondary school practitioners
  • School-based technical support staff
  • College/FE practitioners.

If so, then we’d be very grateful for your support in helping us to recognise the contribution your organisation makes to this.

2.Why are we asking for this data?

In 2017, the Scottish Government published the STEM Education and Training Strategy for Scotland. A key ambition of the strategy is to enhance the provision of high-quality career-long professional learning (CLPL) to the groups listed above.

Education Scotland consulted many of the target groups to find out more about their STEM CLPL needs and the findings are now being used to shape the national offering. A new Enhancing Professional Learning in STEM Grants Programme has recently been launched by Education Scotland to promote innovation in this area and build further delivery capacity.

On an annual basis, we will be gathering data to track progress against the following STEM Strategy Key Performance Indicator: Increase the cumulative hours of STEM professional learning accessed by early years, schools, college and CLD practitioners annually. If your organisation provides STEM CLPL to the target groups listed above, then we’d be very grateful for your support in helping us measure progress against this KPI.

The commitment in the STEM Education and Training Strategy is to enhance the existing provision of professional learning in STEM. As we progress with our plans we want to be sure that there is an equity of provision across all sectors and geographical areas and that the needs of various groups are being met. The tracking process and annual return survey will help us to allocate resources to where they are needed most to address gaps and imbalances.

What will we do with this data?

We will produce an overall analysis of the data provided to us and will be sharing this with key partners such as Scottish Government and Scottish Funding Council to inform decision-making and planning in relation to the STEM strategy. The analysis will also be shared widely with the education system through Education Scotland’s communication channels.

The data provided by your organisation will not be identifiable from the analysis. However, you will be given the option of being listed as one of the participating organisations.

3.About the tracking process

The following two-step process is designed to make the on-going capture of this data as easy as possible. If you already have systems in place to capture the relevant data (as outlined in Appendix 1 in the attached Guidance notes) then please disregard Step 1 and proceed straight to Step 2.

Step 1: Collate your STEM & digital skills CLPL data throughout the year

  • We have created a CLPL Tracker Template (attached) to help you track the STEM professional learning your organisation provides. This Excel-based tool automatically tallies data on your CLPL activities; making it easy for you to capture the quantitative information required.
  • Instructions on how to use the Tracker are contained within the document itself – see the How to use this tracker worksheet/tab. Further notes have been embedded in the sample table and the Enter Data worksheet. Just hover your mouse over the relevant table heading to reveal the notes.
  • We are inviting your organisation to use this Tracker on an on-going basis to capture data on your CLPL activities from 1st August to 31 July each year. If you are willing to support this then we’d be grateful if you could start this process by entering data on your CLPL activity from 01 August 2018.

Step 2: Enter your cumulative CLPL data totals in our annual return survey

  • In August each year, we will send you our annual return online survey to complete.
  • If you have been using the STEM CLPL Tracker, then you can find the data to be entered into the survey in the My Totals worksheet/tab in the Tracker.
  • If you will be using your own internal processes to track the professional learning your organisation provides, then please refer to Appendix 1 in the attached Guidance Notes to see the data that will be required.
  • The annual return survey that we will issue will also contain free-text options for you to enter any qualitative data you would like to share.
  • Please ensure that you only enter data on the CLPL that your organisation has led on. We are keen to avoid any duplication or double-counting of CLPL activity undertaken.
  • We will send you more details about the 2018/19 annual return in due course.

4. Help us to establish a baseline with your retrospective CLPL data

We are also keen to establish a baseline of activity for academic year 2017/18. We, therefore, would be very grateful if you could provide us with retrospective data for STEM CLPL you provided between 1 August 2017 and 31 July 2018. We appreciate that this may be a challenge given the time that has elapsed since then, so we have created a simple survey to capture this data. We are happy to receive estimated figures.

The survey can be accessed at:

We would be very grateful if you could complete this retrospective survey by the new extended  deadkline of Friday 11th January.

This online survey also asks if you would like to be included in this annual data return process so that the contribution your organisation makes to STEM learning in Scotland can be captured on an on-going basis. If you would like to be involved in the coming years, then please complete the relevant section to ensure that we have the most up-to-date contact details.

You may be interested to know that we also have issued a survey to practitioners in early learning and childcare settings and schools to capture information about the professional learning they have accessed and to identify their priorities for the year ahead.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you provide for STEM learning in Scotland. If you have any questions then please get in touch.

Click on the following links to access the Tracker and Guidance notes referred to in this document:

Guidance Notes STEM CLPL Tracker

STEM CLPL Tracker Template

November 5, 2018
by I. Menzies

New Grant Programme launches to support professional learning in STEM

Education Scotland is pleased to announce the launch of a new grants programme to support professional learning in sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

This programme is one of a range of initiatives being launched to further the aims and ambitions of the STEM Education and Training Strategy for Scotland.

The grants programme has been established to meet the professional learning needs of practitioners in a number of sectors including: early learning and childcare, primary, ASN, secondary and community learning and development. School-based technical support staff are also a key target audience for the scheme.

The grants have been developed following extensive consultation with practitioners and technicians regarding their priorities. Surveys and focus groups in 2017 revealed a clear demand from practitioners for more localised support and more opportunities to work collegiately within their schools and clusters. Working in partnership with employers, colleges and other providers over a sustained period was also recognised as having a high impact on practitioner confidence. In addition, there was strong support for modular, online learning to give technicians and practitioners easy access to the professional learning they need, at a time that suits them.

Engagement with stakeholders has helped to identify a number of priority themes for professional learning activities such as:

  • Awareness of science and STEM careers
  • How STEM learning can help to raise attainment in numeracy and literacy
  • Tackling stereotypes and addressing unconscious bias
  • Support for the national qualifications in STEM subject areas
  • Development of effective skills progression
  • Improving pedagogy in STEM.

In the initial phase of the grants programme, bids for funding are being invited from organisations and providers that can deliver professional learning support strategically at regional or national level. Should further funding be available in financial year 2019/20 then it is hoped the grants programme can be opened up to school clusters and other organisations to bid for funding.

To find out more about the Enhancing Career-Long Professional Learning in STEM Grants please refer to the grant Guidance document.

To bid for funding, please return your completed grant Application Form to by 09:00 on Monday 26 November 2018.

Any questions about the grants programme should be directed to Ian Menzies, Senior Education Officer, Education Scotland on email: or Tel: 0131 244 4799.


Enhancing STEM CLPL Grant Guidance

Enhancing STEM CLPL Grant Application Form


October 11, 2018
by User deactivated

Be part of Tomorrow’s Engineers Week 5 – 9 November 2018

Tomorrow’s Engineers Week  provides a unique opportunity for engineers, employers, universities and schools to help inspire the next generation of engineers.

Download toolkits of ideas on how to take part.

This year’s plans include the first Tomorrow’s Engineers Week Big Assembly; offering schools across the UK the chance to take part in the same assembly at the same time.

October 11, 2018
by User deactivated

Take part in the Children’s Conference at the PSEC in June 2019

The PSTT Children’s Conference at PSEC is an exciting and unique opportunity for schools to participate in a dedicated primary science conference. The event will take place on Friday 7th June 2019 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre as part of the international Primary Science Education Conference (PSEC).

The theme of the conference is Climate Change, Sustainable Living and Environmental Science. Schools will be encouraged to develop their own projects focused on finding a local issue and developing solutions for it and then share their work: either by attending the Conference or submitting a poster/film of their activity.

Schools can register their Interest at and download the free Climate Change Teachers’ Project Pack. The pack has ideas for projects in ten different areas; as well as advice on developing partnerships, planning projects and a Climate Change Special Topical Science Update.

Look out for more information in late 2018 when schools will be able to apply to present their projects at the PSTT Children’s Conference at PSEC in June 2019.

Keep up to date with what’s going on:

Follow @pstt_whyhow on Twitter


Join our ‘PSTT Children’s Conference at PSEC’ Facebook group

September 16, 2018
by I. Menzies

Homeward Bound – submit your questions to Antarctic scientist

I’m a postdoctoral researcher (and STEM Ambassador) working on antibiotic resistance and drug discovery at the University of Strathclyde.  I’m very honoured to have been selected as part of Homeward Bound, a year-long, global women in STEM leadership initiative culminating in a 21 day voyage to Antarctica with 80 other women from across the planet.  The programme will enable me to build skills in leadership, science communication and visibility.  It will enhance my capacity as a microbiologist working in Scotland and enable me to be a more effective leader and communicator – skills that will also help me in my role as STEM Ambassador.  Part of my reason for doing this program is to inspire young people that they can do anything they want to do and that anything is possible – I never believed I would go to Antarctica as a little girl from small west coast town in Scotland.

As part of my Homeward Bound mission in relation to science communication and visibility, I would like to collect questions from school children (primary and secondary) relating to STEM subjects, climate change, sustainability and Antarctica.  I will take these to Antarctica and try to answer the questions in a video.  Anything goes really.  If I don’t know the answers I will interview one of the 80 other women on the ship with me.  When I come back in February (we have no internet in Antarctica) I will upload the videos to Vimeo and send the link to the schools so they can get their answers.

For more information and to submit questions, see below:

Homeward Bound Interactive Schools Initiative

September 7, 2018
by I. Menzies

Education Scotland is recruiting

Education Scotland is looking for individuals who are passionate about equality and equity to join our exciting new team.

Our Gender Balance and Equalities Team will comprise six posts, including one Education Officer and five Development Officers. The successful candidates will play an important role in meeting the ambitions of the national STEM Education and Training Strategy, in relation to equality and equity.

Their key task will be to ensure that the learning from the successful Improving Gender Balance pilot programme is embedded in all early learning and childcare establishments and schools by 2022. The officers will be expected to work in close partnership with the Regional Improvement Collaboratives and other key partners to lead and coordinate professional learning programmes and to support effective cross-sectoral collaboration.

Important aspects of the programme will be as follows:

·         Helping practitioners to challenge stereotypes and address unconscious bias.

·         Challenging gender-based decisions around subject choices, learner pathways and career ambitions.

·         Supporting efforts to improve gender balance in Foundation Apprenticeship and Modern Apprenticeship routes.

·         Building collaborative networks of practitioners who will come together to learn, share and develop effective approaches.

·         Enabling practitioners from early learning and childcare, additional support needs, primary, secondary, community learning and development and further and higher education to work together to ensure a consistent approach to gender and equality across a learner’s journey.

·         Helping settings and schools to engage effectively with parents and their wider community in relation to gender balance and equality. 

·         Promoting effective wholeestablishment approaches to equality and equity.

To view the suite of Improving Gender Balance resources developed in partnership with Skills Development Scotland and the Institute of Physics, please visit: 

To apply for the above posts please visit the following pages on the Work for Scotland website:

·         Education Officer, Improving Gender Balance and Equalities

·         Development Officer, Improving Gender Balance and Equalities

These posts can be based in any of Education Scotland’s offices located across Scotland. These are 47 month fixed-term and pensionable appointments. Candidates with a disability who meet the essential criteria will be invited to the assessments. The closing date is Tuesday 2nd October 2018 at midnight.

August 27, 2018
by I. Menzies

STEM Professional Learning Survey 2017

In June 2017, Education Scotland issued an online survey to the early years, primary and secondary sectors to find out more about the STEM career-long professional learning (CLPL) landscape and to identify the needs and priorities of practitioners and school-based technical support staff.

The survey findings provided important information and evidence which helped to shape the development of the national STEM Education and Training Strategy. This was published in October 2017 and is available from the following link:

Key findings include:

·         Lack of funding, time, workload and geographical barriers remain the biggest barrier to practitioners and technicians accessing career-long professional learning

·         Strong support for online learning and modular learning to allow people to access professional learning flexibly anytime, anywhere

·         More localised support including from mentors would be welcomed

·         Practitioners and technicians want more opportunities to learn and collaborate with peers in their schools and clusters

·         Partnerships with employers are an important source of professional learning and learning about STEM careers is seen as a high priority.

The information provided by practitioners and technicians through the survey responses has been extremely valuable. The findings have helped to inform decisions about the ‘coherent national offer’ of professional learning that is being planned in relation to STEM subjects.

Education Scotland is excited about the potential for increasing support in relation to STEM over the course of this academic year and beyond. We are already in the process or recruiting a team of new STEM Education Officers and Numeracy officers to support this. We are also just about to recruit a new team of Improving Gender Balance and Equalities officers to provide further support within the new Regional Improvement Collaboratives.

We’ll be releasing further details in the months ahead as plans are finalised and approved and as new resources and programmes go live. In the meantime, we’d like to give a sincere ‘thank-you’ to all those who promoted and completed the survey. In doing so, you have played a significant role in shaping the plans and decisions that will help to make Scotland a STEM nation.

Download the key findings:

STEM CLPL Survey Findings June 2017

STEM CLPL survey results overview 2017

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