Leading for Excellence in Science: 6-9 November 2011 & 18-19 March 2012

Curriculum for Excellence aims to bring about transformational change and ensure the best possible education for our children and young people and the Scottish Government recognises the pivotal role of science within CfE. Management structures in schools and colleges are diverse resulting in posts of responsibility for science faculties and combinations of science subjects as well as principal teachers of biology, chemistry and physics. As a result of these factors and the increasing emphasis on the need for teachers to take increased responsibility for what they teach and their own self evaluation, the role of science leaders has never been more important.

The course is aimed at all of those who have, or aspire to have,
responsibility for leading science education in their establishments. Although some leadership skills are generic, there are aspects of science education which require specific leadership skills and have particular management
responsibilities. These particular responsibilities as well as wider leadership
issues will be considered in science specific contexts.

Find out more about this CPD opportunity delivered by SSERC by clicking here.

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