Category Archives: Funding

Connecting Classrooms: International Partnerships

The British Council’s ‘Connecting Classrooms‘ programme supports schools to develop creative learning relationships with international partners. The programme is designed to help young people learn about global issues and become responsible global citizens, supporting the development of skills which they will need to live and work in an increasingly global economy.

Connecting Classrooms offers support for international school partnerships, professional development courses for teachers, accreditation through the British Council ‘International School Award’, and the chance to share practice with international counterparts. Schools can apply for travel grants of £1500 per school to facilitate visits to and from partner schools, assisting the growth of the partnership and collaborative work.

For further information visit the British Council website: Connecting Classrooms

Imaginate Ideas Fund 2012

Ideas Fund 2012

Imaginate would like to invite submissions from artists wishing to apply to the Ideas Fund.

The Ideas Fund underlines Imaginate’s commitment to empowering individuals and organisations to achieve their artistic aspirations of creating work of the highest quality for children in Scotland.

Download this document for information on the fund and how to apply:
Imaginate Ideas Fund 2012

The maximum amount available per application is £2000. The closing date for fund applications is Monday 17 September 2012

Money for Life Challenge

The Money for Life Challenge offers young people (aged 16-24) the opportunity to develop a money management/financial information themed project which will have an impact in their community.

This presents an excellent opportunity for encouraging young people to take ownership of their learning, to develop their confidence and make an effective contribution.

There are Scottish prizes to be won as well as UK National prizes, all awarded at inspirational events.

For more information on what happened in 2011/12 visit

How You Can Get Involved!

The following events will explain how to get involved, provide information about the funding available to enable people to get involved and showcase the excellent work developed by participants in 2011/2012.

For further information and to book online click on the dates below:

Funds for young people to develop their creativity

Creative Enterprise Fund

Creative Scotland and Young Scot see the Creative Enterprise Fund as providing a means for Scotland’s young people to develop their artistic talent and unlock opportunities within the creative industries. The Fund aims to promote the values of creative enterprise and leadership, creating positive pathways to employment and providing wider benefits to local communities.

The Fund can offer awards of up to £200 for individuals aged 15-22 or £750 for groups of three or more young people, where two thirds of any group are aged between 15-22.

The deadline for applications is 17 September 2012.

Contact: Young Scot, phone: 0808 801 0338e-mailwebsite ]

Young Start Fund

A new fund aimed at unlocking the potential of Scotland’s children and young people has been launched by the Big Lottery Fund. Young Start will invest dormant accounts money in projects that encourage young Scots aged 8 to 24 to be:

  • CONFIDENT – Children and young people have more confidence and skills;
  • HEALTHY – Children and young people have better physical, mental and emotional health;
  • CONNECTED – Younger and older generations are better connected and have more understanding and respect for each other;
  • ENTERPRISING – Young people are better prepared for getting a job or starting a business.

Young Start, which is forecast to invest £8.9 million by March 2013, will award grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 for up to two years. The fund is aimed at third sector organisations including voluntary organisations, community groups, social enterprises, housing associations, sports organisations, cooperatives and charities.

Projects will have a better chance of success if they can show young people have been meaningfully involved in the development, design and delivery of the project. Young Start can fund a range of projects including the following examples:

  • Using local artists in a creative arts project to improve young people’s confidence;
  • Getting young people involved in sport through the use of local sports facilities;
  • Young people teaching older people how to use technology and try new activities such as using the internet, social networking and gaming;
  • Work experience tasters with local employers.

Application form and guidance materials are available online here. There are no deadlines and applications can be submitted at any time. Applicants will hear if they have been successful within 8 weeks of submitting an application form.

Groups can keep in touch with the latest Young Start news at or following Young Start

ACE support for community groups

The CLD Standards Council for Scotland highlights that community groups in Scotland are invited to apply for support as part of the ACE programme.  ACE stands for Achieving Community Empowerment and is funded by the Big Lottery Fund in Scotland (BIG).  It is a programme of support for community groups and within it the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) will provide at least 10 days of support for at least 10 groups a year.

For more information about the scheme, visit the CLD Standards Council website: