Category Archives: CfE

Exploring the learning possibilities of a place near you (West and East Scotland Events)

Building on Education Scotland’s successful ‘3-18 Places Projects’, this free half day event will prepare you to build the curriculum around the possibilities of an outdoor place near your school. We aim to give you an inspiring and enjoyable day that will open your eyes to the many possibilities of teaching outdoors in a local place, and leave you with practical ideas for how to get started

Find out more by looking at the reports of two previous events below.

Download (PDF) West Report Download (PDF) East Report

East event on 15 April 2013 1.30 pm – 5.30 pm at Hermitage of Braid, Edinburgh. EH10, UK

West event on 15 March 2013 1.30 pm – 5.30 pm at Chatelherault Country Park, Hamilton. ML3 7UE

It would be great to see as many teachers as possible joining in these opportunities to develop place-responsive curriculum making.

New website on Glow to support the new National Qualifications

Education Scotland is delighted to launch a dedicated website which will provide quick, secure and easy access to the range of web-based course materials being published to support the new National Qualifications. In addition, the site will also provide access to the popular series of Professional Focus Papers.

The website will be accessed via Glow (Glow log-in required), which is a recognised portal in Scottish Education for resources. Glow will, of course, also accommodate open and honest collaboration across the profession throughout Scotland, providing an ideal platform for practitioners to review and revise materials to suit their local requirements and share thoughts and ideas about materials.

We have been working very closely with ADES to co-ordinate the development and publication of these exemplar course materials across the full range of National 4 and National 5 qualifications, and further materials will be published over the coming months.

The course materials are being developed from a variety of sources and many are being developed locally in schools and local authorities. These are being shared nationally so that teachers can see what colleagues in other areas are preparing for their own contexts. (Glow log-in required)

Scottish Education Awards 2013

Nominations are still open for the Scottish Education Awards 2013.

The Scottish Education Awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education. They recognise the achievements of people who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcase the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

Nominations will remain open until midnight on Friday 22 February.

SQA announces set Scottish texts

SQA has unveiled the provisional list of Scottish texts that will be used in future Higher and National 5 English courses.

The list, including drama, poetry and prose, was drawn up after extensive consultation with English teachers, curriculum experts and other interested parties. It includes a range of contemporary works by writers such as James Robertson and Jackie Kay alongside classics such as Burns and Stevenson.

New professional focus papers published

Education Scotland has published further titles in the Professional Focus Papers series.

These materials have been designed to assist those supporting learners as they work towards the new qualifications.

The papers highlight important features of learning which are enhanced or different from previous arrangements. They provide advice on approaches to learning and teaching which build directly on those used in the 3-15 Broad General Education in order to promote continuity in learners’ acquisition of knowledge, understanding and skills. The papers are also intended to stimulate professional reflection and dialogue about learning.

This set of materials covers:

  • Dance, Psychology, Sociology and Economics at National 5
  • Lifeskills Mathematics, Mathematics, Care, Latin and Classical Studies at both National 4 and National 5

They come as part of the development of exemplar course materials across the full range of National 4 and National 5 qualifications, being managed by Education Scotland in partnership with ADES.

The Professional Focus Papers are now available for download on the National Qualifications area of the Education Scotland website.

Health and Wellbeing at Transition event, Saturday 23 February 2013

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow

Education Scotland would like to invite practitioners working in upper primary and secondary, in particular guidance/pupil support, HWB leads or senior managers with responsibility for primary/secondary transition to this event.

The aims of the day are to:

  • Build capacity in practitioners to deliver HWB with particular reference to transition from primary to secondary.
  • Share good practice in relation to specific transition programmes which feature health and wellbeing as their focus.
  • Highlight ways in in which cluster colleagues could work collaboratively using HWB organisers as a framework to facilitate smooth primary/secondary transition.
  • Help provide realistic, credible solution to meeting the challenges faced by young people during the transition from primary to secondary.

During the day there will be the opportunity to attend workshops on different areas of health and wellbeing, engage in professional dialogue and listen to inspiring speakers.  Register online

CfE Briefing 7: Progression from the Broad General Education to the Senior Phase: Part 2

This new briefing provides advice for practitioners and can also be used to inform partners, learners and their parents in taking forward Curriculum for Excellence. This latest addition to the series explores the importance of learning in the senior phase. It builds on the information in CfE Briefing 1: Broad General Education in the secondary school and CfE Briefing 6: Progression from the Broad General Education to the Senior Phase: Part 1.

CfE Briefing 7

David Cameron on Creativity and Education

GTCS has published an article on creativity by Educationalist David Cameron, Director, The Real David Cameron Ltd. It is an expanded version of his TEDx presentation from Buenos Aires and acknowledges some of our achievements in Scotland from 2012.

Click on this link to read the article:

View David’s TEDx talk on the Creativity Portal:,videos